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   "Shay. Shay wake up please" I woke up to Charles shaking me awake. "W- what's wrong?" I look behind me to see him looking somewhat sick. "I feel like shit" he said in a whine. "Like what?" He held both hands to the sides of his head groaning in pain. "I feel like an elephant is crushing my skull every ten seconds" after he said that my own hangover attacks too. It's not as bad as Charles but it still hurts. "Ow me too" I said grabbing my head.

   I get up remembering that I need to put sweat pants and a bra on so I do that really quick while Charles just groans in pain sitting up on my bed.

   "Come on love" I said to him now on his side of the bed holding my hand out to help him up. I stand him up with a groan. "Where are my pants?!" He said freaked out. "Woah woah" I said calmly "what did we do last ni-" "they are right here chill" I said holding them up stopping his panic attack. "Oh" he said then awkwardly giggled. "We didn't do anything I just wanted you to be more comfy" he looked down at the ground and blushed. "Come on baby put these on and come down stairs"

   As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs I was hit with the smell of shit and alcohol. "Oh my god it smells so nasty down here" I said making Ben and Lucy sit up slowly rubbing their eyes, on the other hand Gwilym and Rami sit up in a panic. "Ew it does" Charles said now standing next to me.

   "Maybe it's from all of Ben's burps" Gwil said teasingly before holding his head with a groan. "Ok I'll get you all water and Advil since y'all were so drunk last night"

   Charles helped me hand the glasses of water out then we both joined them on the couch.

   "How crazy was i?" Ben asked us all "well you were the most calm out of all of us" I said then laughed.

   "Who was the craziest then?" Lucy asked after sipping her water. "Well Charles danced sexually when his favorite song came on, Lucy and Rami you both made out in the kitchen, and Gwil you puked a whole lot." I said looking at each of them. They all looked shocked. "Well tell us how you were" Rami said.

   "Um-" I said looking over to Charles "OHHHHH" Ben shouted while standing and pointed his finger at both of us. He immediately regretted it though due to the banging in his head. "No, no, no, we didn't do anything more than make out" "mhm sure" Gwil said in disbelief. "It's true" Charles said. They believed me then.

   "When is your parents coming back?" Ben asked. "This afternoon" I said now searching for a clock. "What time is it?" I asked in a panic. Lucy glanced at her phone then said "10:30" "oh my god I need to clean up" I said frustrated from looking at the place. It's trashed with food wrappers and beer cans. "Ok we'll go then" Ben said starting to stand up. "Hey! No! We are going to help her" Lucy said after she stood up. "Thank you" I mouthed you her.

   They all helped me clean up the place, and take the decorations down. They were all slow which was understandable. A couple of times Gwilym went to the bathroom since he felt nauseous.

   "Thank you guys I had fun" I said drowsy opening the door for all of them to exit my home. "Bye baby take a nap and drink lots of water" I said to Charles since he was the last one at the door. "Okay mom" he said before pecking my lips.

   They all got in Rami's car while Charles got in his own. I immediately run upstairs to take a shower and a nap at least until my parents got home. Before I went up I made sure their wasn't any evidence we were having a party last night. It was all clear.

   I woke up the the sound of light knocks on my window. It sounded like someone was throwing pebbles at my window. I opened my eyes to see pitch black. I've slept all day. I panic a little then got the courage to go to my window. I saw a skinny silhouette out side thanks to the moon light. I crack open my window cautiously. "Who is there?" I asked quietly. "Charles" the silhouette said in a light talking voice. "Oh! Hi! Wait one second" I said then run to my lamp beside my bed to turn it on.

   "What in the world are you doing here?" I ask him. "I can't sleep so I just wanted to come over" I laughed at his sentence. "Do you feel better?" I ask him. "I feel great what about you?" "I feel good now" "that's good I slept all day and woke up like two hours ago" he said making me turn around to see the time. "It's 2:18 in the morning?" I said to myself in shock. "Yeah I'm guessing you slept all day" he laughed. "Yeah hold on I'll go down there" I said before closing my window.

   I sneakily open my parents bedroom to see them fast asleep. I slowly and quietly walk down the stairs, and open the door cringing at the slight silent creek it made.

   "Well I'm wide awake now" I said looking at Charles. He looks so beautiful in the moonlight I thought. "What?" He asked confused. "What?" I asked him "you were staring" he laughed. "Oh sorry, I just think you look so good under the moonlight" I admitted. "I was thinking the same thing" he said before giving me a kiss.

   "What are we going to do?" I asked him. "Well I was thinking of riding horses around for a little. "No I don't have the energy for that yet" "okay we can go for a drive in my truck" he suggested "won't it wake up your parents?" I ask him. "They won't care, come on".

   We walked to his house then got in his truck. He started it up making extra more noise then it usually does but maybe it sounded like that since it's quiet outside.

   "Where are we going" I ask him after buckling my self in. "I don't know just drive around the neighborhood?" "Sure!"

Hope you're having a good day / night 😊♥️

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