Getting ready

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Tim had returned Lucy to her apartment at 1 pm, leaving just enough time to talk and get ready with Angela and Nyla. Lucy was going through her wine cabinet and found a bottle of red wine, so she put it out on the table and pulled out 3 wine glasses for her, Angela, and Nyla. And with perfect time Angela and Nyla knocked on the door.
"Hey hey, come on in."
Both Angela and Nyla pulling in a small bag of their hair and makeup, and holding their dresses.
"You excited for tonight boot?" Nyla asked
"Yea super excited, I heard that the place is super nice."
"Yea, it was actually a place me and Wes were looking at for our wedding."
"Oh, that's nice. How's the little bean?"
"He's doing great, growing super fast."
Lucy started to pour the ladies a glass of wine as they sat down.
"So boot, any plans since you're graduating tonight?" Angela question Lucy
Lucy knew exactly what Angela was questioning, but didn't really want to answer any questions about her and Tim.
"I mean John, Jackson, and I are probably going to go for lunch tomorrow, but that's about it."
"You know that's not what I meant."
"She talking about you and Tim." Nyla chimed in.
"What do you mean, I might be riding with him for a little bit longer. Other than that I don't know what you guys are talking about."
"Mhm." Both ladies not believing anything Lucy was saying.
"Okay okay we need to get ready, it's already 1:30." Nyla point out
"Okay, should we change into out dress first?" Lucy eager to show Angela and Nyla her dress
"Yea that's smart."
"Okay someone can change in my room, there's  also the bathroom and Jackson's room."
"I'll change in the bathroom." Nyla claimed
"I'll take Jackson's room." Angela claimed
All three ladies changed, and came back to the living room about 10 minutes later.
"Damn we all look hella nice."
"Damn right we do."
"Okay okay, I don't know about you guy but curling my hair takes at least 2 hours so I need to hurry and get started on it." Lucy rushed everyone
" What are you guys doing with you hair?"
"I'm straightening mine." Nyla said
The ladies continued to get ready while keeping up some small talk.
The men were still just sitting at Tim's place talking about sports and guy stuff, knowing they would only need max 2 hours to get ready.
"So does everyone have their speeches ready for tonight?" John asked
"Yep." Both Jackson and Tim responded
"I'm a little nervous about mine I'm not going to lie." John worried
"Just act like you are talking straight to Nyla, which you basically are for the most part." Jackson tried to help
"Thanks Jackson."
"Yep, anytime man."
"Nolan give me and West a moment please." Tim bring out his T.O voice.
"Yea, I'll just go get some beers."
John leaves the house to go on a beer run.
"Jackson do you really think I should go for it.
I value the friendship I have with Lucy so much and I don't want to ruin that?"
"I live with her Tim, she's absolutely crazy about  you, and anyone with eyes can tell you are over the moon for her. Also I doubt she'd let that ruin your guy's friendship."
"Okay, I think I might try to make at the ceremony."
"Go for it Tim, I'm 99% sure she'd be beyond happy you finally decide to make a move."
"Okay. Thanks Jackson."
John got back just in on beat.
"I bring beers." Tossing one each to Jackson and Tim
They all settled on the couch and decided to watch a short documentary before they got ready. An hour and thirty minutes later the documentary finally ended, and they decided to get dressed. Jackson wearing a light baby blue suit, with a blue bow tie instead of a classic tie. Nolan going with a navy blue suit with a classic navy tie. Tim with his light grey suit and skipping tie all together, deciding to leave the top button unbuttoned. All three men looking so handsome and ready for the ceremony.
"Okay we need clean up here and go pick up the ladies." Tim told Jackson and John.
The girls just finished putting on their makeup. Getting ready to grab their heels. As Angela pulled out her converse.
"You're seriously wearing converse?" Lucy question her pick of shoes.
"Yes, I'm holding this baby all night in heels."
"Fair enough."
Lucy and Nyla go their heals on. Lucy choosing to go with a classic nude heal. Nyla went with a black heel that had a tiny buckle around her ankle. All three ladies completely done getting ready stood in front of the mirror admiring how nice they looked. A knock on the door brought them back to reality.
"Come on in." Lucy called out
"God damn you guys looking nice." The men said as they embraced the ladies in a hug. Tim giving Lucy a bit of a longer hug.
"As much as we could all just stand here admiring each other, the venue is an hour away and it is 4:50, leaving us ten minutes to get stuck in traffic. Come on we need to out of the door."
"Okay, dad we're going." Nyla messing with John
Each T.O and rookie pair rode together to the venue. They all ran to their cars.
"See you guys at the venue." Jackson yelled out as everyone got into separate cars.
Tim helping Lucy get into his truck.
"I thought you looked unbelievably nice at lunch and some how you managed to look even nicer."
"You too Bradford, and the one button left unbuttoned was a nice move."
They all rolled out at about the same time.

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