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"I'm serious!" Scott says as the three of you walk through the halls. "It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same!"

"Oh," Stiles says. "Does that include the urge to maim and kill people, like me?"

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you," Scott says and they walk into the changing room. You follow them in without a second thought, it was late enough that everyone would be changed.

"You say that now," Stiles begins. "But then the full moon goes up and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me and so yes, I'm still locking you both up."

"Ok fine," Scott says and leans against Stiles' locker. "But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison."

"Okay, we're aware of how good things are with Allison," You say and roll your eyes.

"They're really good," Scott says with a smile and you slap the back of his head.

"I- thank you, I know," Stiles says. 

"I mean, like, really good," Scott states and you glare at him.

"All right, I get it!" Stiles yells. "Just please, shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself."

"All right," You say trying to end the conversation. "Did you get something better than handcuffs this time?"

"Yeah, much better," Stiles says and smiles at you. Stiles opens his locker, and chains immediately begin falling out, making many sounds, causing everyone to look over in your direction. The chain seems to fall for a comically long time and the coach stands next to Stiles.

"Part of me wants to ask," The coach begins. "The other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So... I'm gonna walk away."

"That's good, that's a wise choice, coach," Stiles says and slaps his hand down on his leg. You shake your head and go to walk away when you catch the scent of another werewolf. You stop walking and Stiles notices.

"What's wrong?" He asks and puts his hand on your arm. "Y/n? What's going on?"

"There's another in here, right now," You say and look around the locker room. Scott smells the air and notices the same scent.

"Another what?" Stiles asks the two of you.

"Another werewolf," Scott states and you continue looking around the room. You calmly walk out of the change rooms wanting to know who the werewolf was. You continue to think things through for a while before walking to the lacrosse field. You sit down and wait for the two boys to show up, they finally do and Stiles sits down next to you.

"What's the plan?" You ask Stiles.

"Scott is switching with Danny," Stiles says proudly.

"But he hates playing goal," You say and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"That's exactly what Scott said," Stiles nods and you begin putting everything together.

"Nice idea," You say and the coach blows his whistle. "Off you go!"

Scott stands in the goal and as soon as the person runs towards him, Scott runs out of the goal and knocks him to the ground. You watch as Scott helps him up and awkwardly sniffs him making you face-palm. Finstock tells him off and Scott returns to goals. The next person runs and Scott continues doing the same thing to every player.

"Oh my God," You mumble to yourself.

"L/n!" Coach yells and you run over to him. "What the hell is wrong with your friend?"

"Uh, he's failing two classes," You begin. "He's a little socially awkward and if you look close enough, his jaw line's kind of uneven."

"That's interesting," The coach says and you walk back to your seat. Scott continues resuming his ritual and he continues getting told off by Finstock. Jackson walks away not wanting to get knocked to the ground and you notice Isaac's breathing increases. You look at him awkwardly and watch as Scott knocks him to the ground. You hear a police radio and you turn your head to see Noah walking towards the field.

"What's going on?" Stiles asks you as Noah talks to Isaac.

"His father's dead," Scott states and everyone watches the officers talk to Isaac. "They think he was murdered."

"Are they saying he's a suspect?" Stiles asks.

"I'm not sure, why?" Scott asks.

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours," You say with a sigh and run your fingers through your hair.

"Like, overnight?" Scott asks and you close your eyes trying to contain your annoyance.

"During the full moon," Stiles states.

"How good are these holding cells at holding people?" Scott asks the two of you.

"People, good," You say and shrug. "Werewolves, probably not that good."

"Guys," Scott begins and you look at him. "You remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill? He does."

You gulp slightly and everyone disperses into different directions, you begin heading to Chemistry class. You sit down at your usual seat next to Danny as Scott and Stiles talk to each other. You listened to their conversation as you were finding it hard to concentrate on your work when they talked so loud.

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asks Stiles.

"Peter told me," Stiles begins and you continue writing. "That is the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving."

"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Scott asks.

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence," Stiles says and plays around with his pencil. "Or a witness. Wait... Danny! Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office, talking to your dad." Danny states.

"What? Why?" You ask Danny.

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac," Danny states and turns back to his work causing you to the same.

"Witness," Scott says under his breath.

"We gotta get to the principal's office," Stiles says.

"How?" Scott asks and you begin brainstorming.

"Everyone turn to page 73," Your teacher instructs and you scrunch up a piece of paper before throwing it at his head. Everyone begins laughing and he sharply turns his head to face the class. "Who in the hell did that?"

Scott points at you while Stiles points at Scott and you point at Stiles. The teacher glares at all three of you and sends you to the principal's office. you all sit outside on the chairs while Scott listens to the conversation that was happening in the office.

"That was a good idea," Stiles says to you and you smile at him.

"I've been wanting to throw something at him all year," You state calmly. Noah comes out of the office and Stiles immediately picks up a magazine to cover his face. Noah lets out a long sigh and stops in front of the three of you.

"Hi, Scott, Y/n," Noah says ignoring Stiles.

"Hey," You reply and Noah walks off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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