★ | 001. a weird punishment

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Book: Delinquent
Chapter 1: A Weird Punishment
Word Count: 1249

It was one o'clock in the morning when Isaac found himself sneaking back into his bedroom, alcohol in his breath and hair a mess

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It was one o'clock in the morning when Isaac found himself sneaking back into his bedroom, alcohol in his breath and hair a mess. It was a usual occurrence for him to sneak in and out of his tiny room. He had become a master at it by now.

Or so he thought...

He landed on the carpet floors with a loud thump, his chin hitting the ground and a pain striking through him. He whipped his hand to cover his mouth so he didn't wake up his parents. Though that didn't seem to be a problem at the moment as he finally realised the lights in his room were on and he sure didn't leave them on when he left.

He slowly lifted his head, seeing two sets of feet in front of his eyes, sitting down on his bed. His head dropped to the floor again and he groaned. There was no point be quiet now. There were only two people he could think of that would be sitting on his bed at one o'clock in the morning and it sure wasn't his friends.

"Why do you keep doing this Isaac? Huh? Do you enjoy making us worried sick about you?" Mrs. McCall questioned, her eyes tired and stressed from staying up all night and waiting for her son to get home.

He rolled his eyes, not taking the situation seriously and stood up, wobbling on his feet a bit. "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I am so tired." He made a move towards his bed, thinking they were going to move for him but when they stayed seated, he stomped his foot like a child. "Come on."

"No!" His father shouted, making his eyes widened and for him to take a step back. Mr. McCall was always calm in these situations and let Mrs. McCall do all the talking. Isaac had never heard his father yell before and the noise shocked him to his core. "We are talking about this now. You are going to shut up and listen to us, Isaac." He snapped with a finger pointed at his son.

Isaac crossed his arms and looked towards the ground. He could feel his eye lids getting more droopy and he would be lucky if he could stay awake for the rest of the conversation. The alcohol in his system was what was causing him to be so tired.

"We can't do this anymore, Isaac. Your father and I are sick of worrying about you. About where you are and about... who you are with." She struggled with the last sentence.

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Who I was with? You mean what guy I was with?" He saw her visibly flinch at his words and it caused a sadness to erupt in him. When he had came out to his parents, he thought they would be loving and accepting. Instead, they were cold and every time he tried to bring up the fact he was gay, they changed the subject. They had never even wanted to meet any of his past boyfriends. Although they didn't want to admit it, him being gay made them uncomfortable and they would rather pretend he was straight and sneaking off to see some girl.

"Y - You know it has nothing to do with that!" Mrs. McCall sniped but anyone could tell by the way she stuttered and her face went that slightest bit red that she was lying.

"Don't change the subject, Isaac. We are talking about you, not us. Don't try and turn this around." His father warned, always getting like this when Isaac brought up the subject.

Isaac scoffed and walked to the other side of the room, leaning on the drawer with a sneer on his face. "If you must know, I was with this college guy. You should have seen him. He was so hot and when we kiss - "

"Isaac, stop it!" Mrs. McCall cut him off. She brought her hand to her face and sighed. "Just stop it." She leaned forward, her shoulders slumping.

"Right..." Isaac trailed off, knowing she was only getting this upset because he was talking about a guy. He wasn't even telling the truth. He had been out with a couple friends. He hadn't kissed anyone. The words just flew from his mouth because he wanted to get a rise out of her, wanted to hurt her the way she was hurting him.

"We need a break from all of... this. We think it would do some good if we had some separation and... if you got out of town for a while."

The words sent a cold shock through him. "What?! You're sending me away? What the hell! Am I going to some boot camp? Conversion therapy?" He never thought they would even consider the idea because they might be uncomfortable with him being gay but they wouldn't take it that far.

"No. We found out from Karen and Scott that they were sending their kids to Jurassic World for a week and we thought it would be a good idea for you to go with them."

"Wait... so my punishment is going to some amusement park full of dinosaurs." His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and the only thing he could think was that they had to be joking.

"It's not a punishment. Like we said, we think it would do some good if not only we could have some times to ourselves but you can to. You and Zach are friends, aren't you? You'll like spending some time with him and Gray."

Yeah, we've been a little bit more then friends dad, was what he wanted to say but kept that to himself. Going to Jurassic World with Zach seemed like it would be awkward as hell and if he had the choice, he wouldn't go. "I'm not even into the dinosaur crap. Come on. This is stupid. If you want me gone for the week I'll just go stay at a friends house."

"We've made up our minds, Isaac. You're going." His mother stood up from the bed with a frown on her face. His father got up seconds later and they stood next to each other. "This will be a good thing. I promise."

"A good thing for you, you mean." Isaac scoffed. "Congratulations. You got rid of you're disappointment of a son for a week. Can you leave now? I'm really tired and just want to go to bed." He looked away from them and out of his window, regretting coming home in the first place.

Mrs. McCall sighed. "Goodnight Isaac." She spoke before her and her husband left the room.

Though after they left, Isaac didn't get into the bed. He stayed standing in front of his window, trying to keep the sadness within him from coming to the surface. Instead of talking to him about his behaviour, they would rather ship him off so they didn't have t deal with him.

It really made him feel rejected and the dark thoughts in the back of his head wished he were straight so they could go back to the happy family they used to be. So he could bring his girlfriend over and introduce her to his proud parents.

He scoffed and shook his head. There was no point thinking those types of thoughts when nothing would change who he was.

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