★ | 002. argument on a boat

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Book: Delinquent, Jurassic World
Chapter 2: Argument On A Boat
Word Count: 1365

Isaac awkwardly stood outside the Mitchell house as he waited for Zach and Gray

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Isaac awkwardly stood outside the Mitchell house as he waited for Zach and Gray. He had a backpack on, his other suitcase already being in the boot of the car. His parents had only just dropped him off and it seemed they couldn't wait to get rid of him.

The door behind him opened and he stayed still, keeping himself facing forward.

"You didn't have to wait outside, you know. It's pretty cold." Zach said slowly.

"I'm good, thanks." He responded bluntly, still not looking over at him.

Zach sighed and walked over to stand next to him. "You're still mad at me, huh?"

"What on earth are you talking about? How could I be mad at you?" He said sarcastically, making Zach give him a look of annoyance. "Look, we were fooling around and then you got yourself a girlfriend. Good for you. I don't care."

"You sound like you care - "

"I don't." Isaac snapped again.

"You were the one who said you didn't want a relationship, Isaac. You can't be upset at me for being with someone else." Zach was the one to get mad now and walked down the steps and away from him.

Isaac narrowed his eyes into a glare as he spotted Zach's blonde girlfriend get out of her car and run up to Zach, hugging him like he was going off to was or something. He rolled his eyes before looking away.

He liked Zach, he really did and he wanted to be with him but he just knew that if they were to have become official and gone public, his parents would have done whatever they could to keep them away from each other... now it turns out it didn't matter because Zach left him to be with this dumb idiot.

He didn't watch for long as Karen and Scott came out and got into the car, Gray following close behind.

Isaac lifted his chin up, trying not to let Zach's affection for someone else get to him as he walked past them and got into the car, making sure Gray sat in the middle so he could have some space from Zach.

"Call me everyday and texts me pics so I don't forget what you look like." Blondie said while staring into Zach's eyes. Her words made Isaac want to gag.

"I'm only going to be gone a week." Zach said slowly with wide eyes.

"Zach, you're not going off to war here." Scott stuck his head out the car window and hurried him up. "Please. Come on."

Zach looked back at the girl and she smiled up at him. "I love you." She said and Isaac couldn't help but snap his head towards them. They had only been dating a couple weeks and they were already saying I love you?

Instead of saying it back, Zach lightly grabbed her arms and pushed her away. "I'll see you later. Bye." And he rushed towards the car to get away from her.

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