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"she's a good girl"
"Ayo is your brother single"
"Hey hottie"
Did this mf just drop me omg
Wow seeing them this close up, they def look really familiar I just can't put my finger on it.
"Hey Y/n" I turn to see marinette
"Would you believe me when I say lila framed me no one else seems to believe me"
Oh this is gonna be good, you see life is boring and I wanna spice it up a bit you know
"Oh marinette , you know I really wanna believe you but ,Lila you know she's a good girl, she would never harm anyone"
Man it felt great to be a liar
(I don't support msi at all so msi fans please leave thank you).
Marinette walked away feeling upset
"Y/n wanna come to our kitty section practice" rose asked me excitedly
"Sure that sounds fun"

Omfg I did not know Juleka had a brother and the fact that he is kinda hot.
Omg his nails are painted
Omg omg
He's hot
"Y/n you have been staring at luka for like an hour" Juleka asks slightly concerned.
"Ayo is your brother single"
"Bestie you heard me is your brother single"
" Y/n that's my brother"
I stare at her " I know what I said"
I figured it out
marinette  is ladybug
She went onto her balcony and yelled Tikki spots on so I really don't know how people don't notice that it is her.
"Hey Y/n will you preform a song for us" Ayla asks hoping I will say yes
"No lol"
"Oh well it would be nice if you did" she proceeds to try to convince me
"I know it would but I don't feel like it so no"
Disappointed in my response she walks away
"Hey Y/n would you sing a song with luka, marinette was supposed to but she didn't show up" Juleka asks me knowing damn well I will
"Say less bestie of course I will you know how much I like luka I mean singing yeah singing"
" Come on fuck me emo boy come on-"
"Oops wrong song, I'm gonna go now"
They look at me with wide eyes and I walk away
what if we gave marinette a scare.
"Hey bugaboo" I say to marinette in a flirtatious tone trying to copy chat noir.
She quickly turns around with a scared look on her face
"Oh uhm hey uhm hi y/n"
I smirk
"You know you would look really good in a red suit with black spots on it you know smililar to ladybugs"
"Oh you know y/n I really don't think I would look good in that."
"I actually have to go right now so uhm bye y/n"
She pushes me out of the bakery.
I see luka in front of me trying to talk to marinette
"Hey hottie"
I smile flirtatiously at luka
"Hi y/n, would you like to hang out later"
"Y/n where are you going dressed like that" I turn and see my mother standing behind me
"The strip club where else"
I say sarcastically before leaving.
527 words

reader x basically everyone i found hot in miraculous  because im touch deprivedWhere stories live. Discover now