special 1

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I ran I ran as fast as I could
Damn these people are fast
And you may be wondering how I got in this situation, well I may have called adriens dead mom a milf and now Gabriel sent people after me to try to kill me, now I'm 100% sure he is hawkmoth.
Anyways I stopped at Marinettes bakery because I was hungry which was stupid because now they caught up to me right, how fun. Wait I think that's lila's house
"LILA LET ME IN PLEASE" she doesn't let me in, and after every I've done for you
Well it wasn't a lot but you know.
Ok I give up take me away what's the point in running.
But Y/n if you die now you will never become a milf
On no I have a point I must carry on.
Ooh I know, let's hide under that bench in the park, you know the one marinette his under and no one saw her transform they def won't find me there, anyways until next time unless I die.
180 words

reader x basically everyone i found hot in miraculous  because im touch deprivedWhere stories live. Discover now