Chapter 6 - The next step

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June 1st Tuesday 10am

"Welcome to your new temporary home. Have a look around and I'll start grabbing the boxes" announced Naruto as Sakura and Hinata walked into the safehouse. "Well Sakura, I'm looking forward to living with you" stated Hinata smiling warmly at her. Sakura gave her a weak smile and said "thank you". They both went outside to help Naruto and Sasuke with the boxes.

1 hour later

"Alright guys. I hope you feel comfortable here. Call us anytime if something happens. If there's something wrong with the house you can call Tenten and she'll sort it out. Ino will come round once a week for your sessions Sakura and we'll come by to check up on you every two weeks" stated Naruto giving Hinata a piece of paper with the numbers on it. "Thank you" said Sakura quietly. Sasuke smiled softly at her as his response. "See ya later Hinata. Call me?" asked Naruto desperately. "Of course I will. Take care of yourselves" Hinata smiled and the two boys walked out of the house. "Sa...saskue.thank you" said Sakura shyly. Sasuke turned to her with a warm and said "take care".


3rd June Thursday

"ugh. Why haven't we found anything yet? Has Tentnen and Neji found anything at that abandoned building yet?" questioned Naruto going through some files. "No nothing yet. We still need to head back to the Haruno household and back to that underground room. Not only that but Kabuto was released with a warning since we don't have any evidence for his connections with the Haruno's" stated Sasuke looking at file about the murder of Sakura's parents. "Good idea, lets go".

"How are they doing?" asked Sasuke as Naruto started driving. "They seem to be fine, still settling in. Sakura's still being quiet but I don't blame her. Ino's going to start her first session tomorrow. You know you can talk to them as well right?" Naruto looked over to his best friend knowing somethings been bothering him. "What happened that night with Madara teme? Talk to me" pleaded Naruto getting more concerned. "It's best I don't approach Sakura often. Things were... intense" answered Sasuke looking out the winow. Naruto sighed and kept on driving.


Naruto and Sasuke arrived at the Haruno house and went inside. "I'll have a look in that underground room. You have a look upstairs. Kabuto was up there, even if he came down with just a photo there may be something else in there?" stated Naruto. Sasuke agreed and proceeded upstairs. As he got to the top of the stairs there were three doors. He opened the first one on the left and found a double bed, must of been the parent's room he thought. He then opened the second door and found it to be the bathroom. The last door he opened was obvisously for a small child. Some things were still in the rooms but most was taken in years ago for evidence. He noticed a picture frame set down on the bed side table. Sasuke put some gloves on and lifted it to see a presumed 2/3 year old girl with the parents looking happy. He then noticed the picture was dilebriatly bent in the top right corner of the photo. He took the frame apart and looked at the back of the photo. Someone wrote something on the back...

Sakura, if anything happens to me and your father, know that we love you and we are sorry for the family troubles. It was never our intention to bring harm to you. We ask of you, do not trust Madara avoid him as much as you can. I love you sweetie and we will alsways watch over you. Love from Mum and Dad.

"Why put this message at the back of the photo? It's a good place to hide it but how is a young girl supposed to find it?" questioned Sasuke putting the photo in a evidence bag. He looked around the room and realised the room was very bland. There were no colours on the walls and hardly any toys. Just a bed and a desk. Nothing screams a five year child used to live in here. Sasuke walked down to meet Naruto in the underground room. "Find anything" - Sasuke

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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