The Enhanced

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3rd person pov

Ben and Erica were called to the principal's / idiots office to be briefed on the next mission.

BENS pov

We were called to the principal's office

For another mission but this one was different we weren't called in to destroy something we were called in to rescue agents that were captured by spyder and to stop their latest plan.

"Why us?" i ask

"They're experimenting on children your age if we send in anyone over 17 they may freak out and hurt a lot of people" he responded 

"Oh"i said feeling only slightly stupid for not reading the file

"Wait their experimenting on kids?!?!"I exclaimed

"Yes Ben they are now if he could continue" Erica said flatly

"Uh yes as I was saying we have a plane waiting for you at the air strip"


"They will be taking you to shavaka."


"It's an island off the coast of russia."

"Oh wait who's they"

Just then the door opened and in walked catherine and alexander

"Hows berica doing?" Catherine asked

 erica blushed beet red

MOM!erica shouted and catherine just smiled

To break off some of the embarrassment i said

We really should get going


One second were breaking up a art theft the next we're in a black van. Just as training taught us we pretended to be unconscious and listen in on their conversation. I only got bits and pieces but from what I gathered. We were heading to shavaka for a Project Winter. I flinched at a yell but that was all it took to alert them I was awake. I tried to fight but that was a doomed failure one thug got behind me and shoved a needle in my shoulder then blackness. When I came to I was on an operating table. I tried to move but I was strapped down. I looked all around searching for anything, a weapon, a way out my brother cillian. Cillian is he alright is he safe or did he captured too, i hope not , a searing pain in my left arm stopped all thoughts but pain i screamed then nothing.

Erica's pov

We were 2 hours away when I started to think about ben.

Oh no you do not love ben.

Yes I do.

Stop fooling yourself you said yourself a relationship won't work

But I love him.


I'm going to tell him.I started to walk to his seat "Ben I li-"but I was interrupted by Alexander saying we will be landing soon.

Never mind" I said to him "ooookkkkk"? He said suspiciously. And I walked to my seat and strapped in.


Agent cillian's pov

I woke up on a table with an IV unit on my arm. The stuff inside it was like blood but it was a lighter color than blood. I tried to get up but I was strapped down and just like that I passed out again. I once again woke up but this time I wasn't on a table anymore I was on a plane. I heard we were going to New Jersey. I also found out I got some serum injected into my bloodstream. Wait, why does my sister aoife (efa) have furry ears and a tail.

BEN's pov

Erica has been very weird lately. Catherine said something like berica I have been wondering what that was. Then it came to me ben+erica = berica. Before I figured it out, Erica came over to my seat on the plane. She started to say something but Alexander cut her off saying that we would be landing soon. so I put on my seat belt. as we landed I saw Erica had something behind her back. I decided not to ask about it because she probably would have broken my spine if I did. We found this abandoned laboratory that gave me the willies. We took a look around and found something or someone disturbing it had a tail and ears like a wolf but a human body! The other was on the floor but the guards were knocked out. We drove back to the plane with them in the backseat. We got to the plane and put them in one of the bedrooms. The normal looking one got up first and was panicking. I went in and calmed him down. He said his name was Cillian and his sister was Aoife. They are part Irish so they are lucky they survived but I guess that it's a trait they have. Or not just then we got hit by a missile we were descending quickly and the plane snapped in half just my luck. But with one of the agents in each half cillian with me and the pilots and Aoife with Erica. We could see the ground but then there was a blur and we were on the ground. I was still conscious but I didn't know about Catherine and Alexander so I went to check on them but found them with cillian getting treated for the cuts and bruises they got from the crash. But how did they recover so quickly? But I saw Cillian moving so fast I could barely see him. He also lifted a huge piece of debris off alexander. I was at a loss of words.

spy school operation winterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora