Cascade blues

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Bens pov

We started to drive to the lake but we got hungry and we had to stop at burger king. we all got whoppers except Erica and Catherine who waited for a salad option. we got there and found a large inconspicuous boat that had 3 small smoke stacks I was sure that was where the missiles came from. we got on a bit like this

we had to fight a whole bunch of goons the ones who actually know what to do killed theirs in 1 minute me on the other hand needed help. Why did I pick the big goon Aoife got behind him and RIPPED HIS HEAD OFF! that's not the only freaky thing that happened she also turned INTO A MURDEROUS  WOLF! we found some documents on a table and ALSO A BOMB that was ticking down It was only C4 so not a big bomb but still a bomb so we had to disable it. It was imbedded into the hull of the ship  probably to keep the CIA off their trail. Me and erica where sent down there because we could fit and could disarm the bomb it had 3 minutes left and 10 wires we looked to see where they went. now we were stuck between 3 wires with 1 minute left we cut one at random hoping to cut the right one the timer didn't stop it slowly ticked down to zero but nothing happened "we disarmed the bomb but not the timer." erica said then she kissed me all of a sudden. then it went black 

Cliff hanger rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

your welcome.

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