missing in action

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aoifes pov

We saw ben jump behind erica to protect her we saw what happened and ran to him he got a whole bunch of cuts just below his shoulder blades. catherine didn't know what to do me and cillian looked at each other "we may know someone"we said in sync she looked relieved. I started to drive to my friends place cillian had shotgun he had to put one in because the car we "  borrowed  "  didn't have one when we raided the armory I stole a bag of goodies I opened it up and found the 2 best things in the world a machine gun and rocket launcher I told cillian to take over I jumped out the window and started shooting out the tires of the vans behind us one guy survived. me and cillian went over to him and asked him what spyder's plan is he just said some words I dare not repeat so I rip out his vocal cords and throw him into traffic as was my procedure. it was fun but we needed to get ben to our friend's house so we kept on driving when I saw something flashing in the bag  it was a tracker. I threw It out the window and kept driving we finally got there and was erica crying she sure had tears wonder what that was about I did the secret knock and she opened the door she saw ben and immediately went into work mode she took out all the shrapnel and bandaged up the wounds she came out of her room and said he will be fine but he needs rest. it's a good thing she was training to be a paramedic or ben would be dead. everyone relaxed when she said that. I went downstairs and started playing with C4 with cillian she came down and saw us playing with it and said "wolfie don't eat that" "ONE TIME I DID IT ONE TIME"I said out loud I guess the others heard me  because they came down stairs FAST "its ok everyone" "oh ok well erica got word from cyrus that he has put us as missing in action to throw off any moles in the CIA" alexander said ok then ben came down and told us he figured out their plan.

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