Chapter 23: History Class

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Nate has been staying at my house until he gets an apartment of his own. He has residence of the guest room downstairs. I don't know how I managed to persuade my dad to let him stay here until he can get a place of his own. Either way, Nate is staying close until the babies come. He's been telling me all about shifter history which is mixed in with human history. Like the civil war was just a cover up for another war in the United States. And Christopher Columbus left to find America for different reasons. Nate says that he wants to have a class over the history of shifters every weekend. My dad ok-ed it so we have lunch every Saturday at a restaurant. Today is Saturday so Nate took me to some fast food restaurant at the pier.
"So, you know the holocost?"Nate asked me. I nodded my head. "Well, hitler only did that because he found out that shifters had been trying to hide as Jews. Hitler decided to kill all the Jews and in the process, killed over 3/4 of shifter population."
"What did hitler have against shifters?" I ask as I grabbed another French fry.
"His best friend was one. He stabbed hitler in the back."
"Quite literal." Nate answered, inspecting his burger. Then he took a huge bite. I chuckled at him and he smiled, making me laugh. He made a big show of swallowing his food and I grimaced.
"You know, my mom, my biological mother, is part of a secret company that helps the csi, fbi, ncis, and a lot of others solve big cases." Nate states.
"Woah, really?" I ask.
"Yeah, I have no idea what it's called, though." Nate said, looking disappointed.
"Well, maybe we can figure that out later. But, right now, I'm missing out of history. Continue the class, please." I say, bowing slightly for effect.
Nate busted out laughing. "Ok, ok. So, you know the titanic-?"
Nate told me about the titanic and the invention of the plane and a lot more. Shifters are completely mixed in with human history.
We left around 5:00 and drove home. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke up in my bed sometime later.

Hey guys. I hope you found that interesting cuz I did even as I wrote. That history stuff was completely made up, though. Whatever your history teachers told you about these incidents, listen to them.

Question of the chapter:
What's the most interesting part of history to you?

My Answer:
The United States Civil War

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