Chapter 10: Tree House

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(1 1/2 years before accident)
Matt and I were on our knees begging my mom to let me go. She was tough nut to crack, my mom.
Matt had invited me to come with his sisters and him to Florida for a week. We actually told mom that his sister who was our age, 17, so I could go and my mom not think anything was wrong.
"Mom, please! I do anything! I'll do all the chores! I'll make dinner! I'll babysit!"I thought up things for me to do in exchange for Florida. She perked up at the word babysit. Ugh, why did I say that?
"Fine." She said, making me and Matt squeal."but you have to babysit on the weekends from now on."
"Deal!"I say, both me and Matt jumping up and holding out our hands to close the deal. She reluctantly shook each of our hands and we raced off to go do something. I suggested the treehouse that was about 6 and a half miles away into the forest.
"Yeah! Let's have a picnic there!" Matt finalized.
"I like it! Let's get ready to go. Well take out bikes." I raced him to the kitchen.
(Later that afternoon)
We finally arrived at the treehouse and I climbed onto the giant platform that held the treehouse. Matt pulled himself up after me as I set down my backpack.
"So, shall we?" Matt asked me, putting his hand on the door.
"Yes, we shall!" I prompted. He swung open the door and I gasped. It looked diffrent than last time we were here. I look over at Matt and I see him trying to hide a smile.
"Did you do this?" I demanded. He finally gave In on trying to hide the smlie and nodded his head. Where the shelfs used to be, was a stereo system. Where the poker table was, an amazing-looking t.v. was placed. The poker table now was in the opposing corner to the t.v. It had a neat stack on the table. I walked over and picked up the deck. Full deck all the cards were there.
"Waddya say? A game?" I asked him, pretending to look maniac. He bursts out laughing and I just frowned.
"What game should we play? BS, strip poker, or just regular go fish?" I asked.
Matt finally recovered from my act and stood straight.he cleared his throat before speaking. "How about strip poker? I've never played that with a girl. And actually had fun playing it." He feigned disgust.
"Mmhmm, sure." I say, teasing him.
"How about we just play?" He said, changing the subject.
I dealt and then thought of something.
"Oh! What about strip war?" I asked. Matt's face lit up.
"Yeah!" He smiled.
I redealt the cards and flipped over my first card. It was a ten.
"Win by 10 means pants. Haha!"I laughed.
"Laugh all you want." He said tugging down his pants to reveal red plaid boxers. He sits back down and we go again. This time he won with a 5 . I had to take off my shirt.them he won again with a 3, with didn't count anything. Then I won with the lucky card, ace of spades. He had to take of, depending on witch rules you played by, one piece of clothing and I had to pick.
"Shirt. No way do I want to win again now."I faked a grimace.
"Look whose lying now." Matt said.
"So you admit to lying back then!" I catch.
He turned Crimson at that. He chuckled nervously.
We ended the game and I put my shirt back on; however; he decided to walk around in his boxers. I couldn't stop staring at his arm muscles. It looked like he's been benching a lot.
"Hey have you been working out?" I finally popped the question.
"You noticed?" He flexed his bicep and it bulged.
"Woah! Those look better than that annoying Jake at school who been constantly flirting with me in the weight room." I see Matt tense at the words"constantly flirting".
"What? Can't I have a boyfriend?"I asked him."Or are you the kind of friend who interrogates the boyfriend with the dad?"
"The second one." He answered too fast but did realize his mistake in time.
"Good choice."I said."you'll survive."
He relaxes.

Hey guys! This chapter was kinda long but more words means your stalled even Sheldon can't read that fast.(smiles evilly)😜. So, the new guy........ I have no names! If you don't, I'll have to pick somthing like Ace. So to speak I will take readers rights away!so give me names!

Question of the chapter:
Who are you? A Sam and Matt, a Sam and Whip, a Sam and Sweets, a Sam and Jax, or a Sam and matts brother.

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