Chapter 3: I Can't Say

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"When did you possibly get pregnant?!" My mother screamed at me. For reasons she wouldn't know about, I stayed silent.
"Thats it!" She whispered fiercely. "I'm kicking you out of my house! Your going to live with your fucking dad!"
She never mentioned him without some cussing around it.
They got a divorce almost 5 years ago. Over the summer I go to my dads and during school I stay at my moms. Dad has a new wife and lives about 8 hours away. He told me that if I ever need him he would be there. I guess I'm going to have to take up his offer.
"Go pack. I'm taking you to your dads today." My mom said after texting on her phone. Probably telling my dad about the fact that he's a going to be a grandfather. "And can you please tell me who the father is?"
"No." I sniffed, realizing that I was crying. I couldn't lie to her. Of course, I knew who the baby daddy is. And he's dead. So, no one is going to find out.
"Do you even know who it is?" My mom asked. This I can't lie about, either.
"Yes. I do. But I can't tell you." I say, looking at her face. "Because I promised him something."
I get up off the broken couch I was sitting on and go to my room upstairs. When I close the door, I could feel tears on my cheeks.
Wiping away my tears, I look around the room. Finding my old back pack, I start shoving my clothes into it. After I cleaned out my small closet and dresser, I went to the bathroom and packed my things into a smallish bag. Then I packed all my other important things like my radio and laptop into anther used backpack. I put all of that next to the door and grabbed my phone.
Opening the message app, I think about what I was going to say. I end up texting Dad what happened.
Me: Hey, I'm sure you already know that I'm pregnant and that I'm coming to live with you. If not well now you know.
Dad: 2 things. 1. How and who got you pregnant? 2. Your mom told me what happened and that she's dropping you off here to stay.
Me: I can't say who or when or where. And how's Serena?
Dad: Can't say?! Why?
Me: I promised him something.
Dad: what?
Me: To leave him
Dad: What's his name?
Me: I can't tell you. I told you that already.
Dad: Why not?
Me: I'll see you when I get there. Bye!
As soon as I sent the message, mom called out that it was time to go. I took one last look at my room before I left, closing the door.

I'm so sorry. I lied last chapter. From this chapter it will be memory, life, memory, ect. So there, I feel better now;)

Question of the chapter:

Who do you like more; The Mom or Dad?

My Answer:

Dad. He's cool, but he's mad. If she had given him Seth's name, Dad would have killed him if not for Seth already being dead.

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