Requested by: MistNettle8127
You had always wondered why Thorin had chosen you to join his Company. For instance, Thorin was a dwarf who hated elves- meaning you, an elf. Maybe he needed you for fighting purposes, after all, elves were very skilled in all weapon ranges. Maybe he thought you could help him avoid Elven kingdoms on his journey.
The other dwarves seemed to like you, of course they didn't have much of a grudge against elves as Thorin did. But the thing was, they didn't understand why Thorin had chosen you to come either. You heard them murmuring about you to each other during the night while you pretended to be asleep. You saw them cast sideways glances at you whenever Thorin talked about elves.
You couldn't take it anymore. You decided to confront Thorin about his choice, that was it. You would wait until he was alone, then ask.
So, you waited. And waited. And waited some more... But the time never seemed to be right.
More days past and you had driven Smaug out of Erebor leading to Thorin with the Dragon Sickness.
"Thorin! Snap out of it!" you yelled, tired of his foul behavior towards the Arkenstone.
"No! I will not rest until the glory of our people is found. So, don't just stand there useless," he snapped.
"Useless?" Your ears turned pink, your cheeks heated. "If I'm useless, why do you even need me here? Why did you ever need me here for the first place? I'm an elf, you hate elves." Thorin's eyes glazed over at the word 'elf.'
"I brought you here with me because I realized I loved you and didn't want to leave you, Y/n," he hissed.
You stepped back, shocked. Thorin, loved you? The dwarf seemed to realize what he said. "I'm sorry, y/n, that was unnecessary, I was being-" You cut him off by leaning down and kissing him on the lips. You felt Thorin go rigid, then relax, he put his hands on your waist and returned the kiss.
You pulled back and straightened yourself.
"I love you too, Thorin," you whispered. Thorin smiled, then pulled your head down to give you another kiss before leaving to talk to the rest of the Company.

LOTR/ TH Imagines
RandomImagine yourself in a world with hobbits, men, elves, and maiar discovering new friendships, romances, and adventures. Join your favorite characters in new scenarios every chapter. Let yourself wander through the story. Pronouns: You/ your/ yours. I...