Requested by: LionessSister
Don't worry, not (that) smutty
The only sounds that you heard was the clatter of coins felling from the massive piles of gold. On an occasion one of the Company would breathe a heavy sigh or yell out a complaint to Thorin, who would reject that and order them to go back to work.
Honestly, what type of king loves gold more than the well being of his own people? You were frustrated, tired, and your body ached from being hunched over stupid piles of gold. You wished somebody would find the Arkenstone soon, then you can take a break.
Your hands were getting cut and numb, you sighed and slumped. You noticed Kili had followed suit. He was sitting with his back to the gold, flipping a coin in his hand.
"Shouldn't you be working?" You whispered over to him, using a playful tone.
"Shouldn't you?" He winked, chucking the coin at you. You let out a giggle but immediately silenced yourself. No one in the Company knew you were dating, and that was a good thing. If Thorin found out you were dating his nephew...
You brushed that thought away, he only seemed care for the Arkenstone anyways.
You turned back to your pile, only to hear more coins clattering as Kili climbed up next to you.
"What are you doing?" You hissed.
"I-" He sent a flirtatious smile your way, "am looking for the Arkenstone."
"I see." You muttered, rolling your eyes.
"Are you telling me that I am not doing a good job?" He pretended to be offended.
"Maybe if you do your job I could see." You teased, flicking a coin his way. He carefully sent a jab under your ribs.
"Oh it is on!" You dropped your voice.
"Shall we take this somewhere else?" He hinted. You nodded and slid down from the pile of gold and snuck out of the room. A couple minutes later, Kili was at your side again. He grabbed your hand and lead you through a series of corridors.
"Do you even know where you are going?" You chuckled.
"Not a clue." He grinned at you. He opened a door and lead you in, carefully closing it behind him.
He then moved forwards and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He grabbed your hips and pressed your bodies closer. Leaning down he passionately touched his lips to yours, which you gladly returned the kiss with the same intensity.
Heat and electricity sparked from every touch. Your lips moved in sync before he nibbled at yours, requesting entrance. You parted your lips slightly and soon your tongues were battling for dominance as you explored each other's mouths.
Your lungs burned for air as you took small gasps, moving your hands so you could tangle them in his hair. He then moved his hands to your belt, unlooping it and working on your coat.
"What do you think you are doing?" The door burst open to reveal a very red Thorin. You two broke apart and embarrassedly lowered your heads. Thorin practically had heat waves rising off of him.
"We, uh, we're just-" Kili stuttered.
"Taking a break? There will be no breaks until the Arkenstone is found. Get back to work!" Thorin stormed off. You looked over to Kili, blushing.
"That could have been worse. Do you think he noticed?" You asked.
"He probably only thought about the Arkenstone other than-" He gestured to you and you looked over to a mirror. You two looked like you were caught in a wind storm! You glanced over to Kili and at the same time you burst out laughing. You ran your fingers through you hair, getting it back to normal and Kili followed suit.
"Let's head back before he comes again." Kili chuckled, tossing you your coat and belt. "And you're right, that could have been a lot worse."

LOTR/ TH Imagines
RandomImagine yourself in a world with hobbits, men, elves, and maiar discovering new friendships, romances, and adventures. Join your favorite characters in new scenarios every chapter. Let yourself wander through the story. Pronouns: You/ your/ yours. I...