Preferences 6

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More time, yay! Also today's my birthday, but other than that I would love it if you gave me more requests! Thanks, and enjoy!

What peice of clothing you steal- (requested by twinlife123)

Legolas- His shoes. You steal his shoes from him. Though a little bit big for you, you find them surprisingly comfy despite their lightness and thin soles. The first time you stole them, Legolas spent hours looking for them through the big kingdom of the Woodland Realm. Of course guards and citizens gave him funny looks for walking around barefoot, but who could judge the prince? Either way, Legolas played it off and eventually found you walking around in them. Now he knows to come to you first whenever his shoes "disappear."

Frodo- You steal his mithril shirt, the one that Thorin gave to Bilbo and Bilbo gave to Frodo. Frodo got quite freaked out the first time he found it missing, but found you easily. He jokes that it looked good on you, but that shirt saved his life once, of course he wanted it back.

Aragorn- His ranger outfit... but not in public. Aragorn tends not to need it now that he is King of Gondor, but whenever he finds you in it, he thinks its sexy. No words needed after that...

Bilbo- His over coat, his button up over coat with the resewn buttons. (Not the red one, the brown-ish one.) Somedays, you don't feel like dressing up much, so you just through on a blouse and Bilbo's coat and a skirt. Bilbo thinks it looks very good on you, and sometimes purposely not wears it just so you can.

AAAaaannnddd heres another question: What are your favorite hobbies? Habbies not hobbits, sorry.

My answer: I love horse-back riding, I find it very calming on top of a horse. I also swim or surf, we are actually going to Hawaii on Saturday and I can't wait to get back on the waves. Of course I love typing stories and reading, I mean, who on Wattpad doesn't? And then, yeesh, I love biking, listening to music, sketching, (I clipped on of my drawings) and just sitting and watching movies. (Thats a hobby for me!)

Other options: Writing music, photography, running, volenteering, cooking/baking, shopping, makeup, soccer/football, baseball, football (American), cheerleading, rugby, hiking, snorkeling, scuba diving, boating, studying, etc.

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