Charter 10: Confrontation

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Todoroki insisted that Midoriya showered first so he could change the bedsheets while he waited. He was still in a daze as he put the sheets on his bed.

I can't believe we had sex. After seven years. Should we have done that? I guess it's too late now. But where does that leave us? We still have feelings for each other it's obvious, is there a chance we could maybe date again? Or was it just a one and done thing? Am I being stupid for feeling this way?

Steam rose from his body as Todoroki was starting to panic with his thoughts. He didn't regret what they did but it left a lot of uncertainties.

Midoriya entered the bedroom silently and saw his ex hyperventilating with steam rising from his body. He's only seen it this happen a hand full of times and he was worried that he had done something wrong.

"Hey." He spoke softly coming up behind Todoroki, placing a hand onto his shoulder. "Shoto, I'm here for you." He pulled him into a hug, feeling Todoroki's chest still heaving from the hyperventilating. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Mi- doriya- I- im sorry- I feel like I don't deserve this love after what I did to you." He started to cry into Midoriya's shoulder wrapping his arms around his waist the steam slowing disappearing.

Midoriya slowly stroked Todoroki's hair in a calming manner as he listened to him talk. Although, at some level he agreed as he still held hard feelings against him and Bakugou, deep down he still held on to some love towards Todoroki and he was willing to put those hard feelings aside.

"Listen Shoto. I'm not going to lie to you. I regret not giving you a second chance all those years ago, but I was still hurt. I pushed you away when I shouldn't have. I'm sorry if I came on too strong tonight. I don't regret what we did, I don't want this to be a one night stand. But both of us have grown so much since high school. If you feel the same, let's get to know each other again and let's go from there okay?"

Todoroki nodded his head in agreement still sniffling. "I would like that Izuku."

"Go take a shower and let's go to bed okay?"

Midoriya kissed his forehead.

Todoroki nodded releasing the grip on the hug and grabbing his change of clothing before heading to the shower.

Midoriya passed out before Todoroki even made it back from the shower, he had tried hard to stay awake so they could fall asleep together.

Todoroki heard soft snoring coming from the other male as he softly joined him in the bed. Moonlight was illuminating the bedroom enough to see all the curves of Midoriya's body, including the big scar on his back.

He traced the scar with his finger tips down his back as he spoke to himself, " I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you Izuku." He buried his face in between his shoulder blades and wrapped his arms around his waist.

He eventually fell asleep and the both of them slept peacefully for the next several hours until morning.

Several hours later, Midoriya woke with Todoroki's head on his chest cuddling up to him and he squeezed his arms tighter into a hug and smiled. His head hurt from the handover and could smell breakfast and coffee, which meant Bakugou was already awake a cooking food for everyone, somethings never changed.

Midoriya started to kiss his ex's forehead and cheeks in an attempt to wake him up without startling him.


"It's time to wake up baby, I smell Bakugou cooking breakfast, we should join up with the group."

"Just ten more minutes." Todoroki grumbled.

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