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Dawn broke, there were birds sing out her windows. Lydia didn't want to get out of bed. The soft and warm sheets wrapped around her like they were begging her to stay. She then remembered what had happened, there was someone who was a traitor in her home. She quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes, kicked her legs off the side of the bed, and walked to her bathroom. She had been defeated the day before. Lydia turned on the water and hopped in the shower. She again was in her head thinking about Lucian. She knew that finding Lucian's killer, the traitor, was going to bring up emotions and she was going to relive things she never wished to.

Lydia was cautiously thinking about this assignment, the people who had killed Lucian could have been an assassin of the Keep. They never thought that one of their own would have done anything. Now Lydia and the King might get peace from knowing and killing the person who was responsible for killing the lover and son.

Lydia was out of the shower and put on the darkest black tunic she could find. When she was done getting dressed, she went over to her armoire which was filled with weapons. She then heard a knock at her door, the young boy who talked about her yesterday was standing there. He stood tall; his dark brown hair all swayed to one side of his face. "Hi, I am Nox." He cheerfully said looking at the beautiful women who stood before him.

"Can I help you?" Lydia harshly exclaimed wanting the man to go away and never speak to her again.

"I was wondering if you needed anything," he was interrupted by Lydia.


He continued, "I know that you were very close to Lucian. I was one of his friends and I think that we can help each other out with finding the bastard that killed him." Almost angry enough to punch a hole in the wall.

"I work alone, and I don't need you. You need me. You want to find this guy so bad?", a nod from Nox, "then get out of my way."

"Please I just want to help, he was one of my closest friends, the least I could do for him is help his fiancé find his killer," Nox begged as Lydia was shutting the door, but she stooped once she said that one word. Fiancé. No one knew. The night that Lucian died he asked Lydia to marry him. Slowly Lydia opened the door and invited him in.

How did you know? Was all Lydia wanted to ask but she did not know this man. If Lucian told him then Lydia's lover must have trusted him. There was silence as the both of them sat down in the little living area her room provided. Everything was running through Lydia's mind. Nox, he had been one of Lucian's closest friends. Lydia often worked alone because she did not play well with others and was violent towards anyone who got in her way. She looked at the man who sat in the chair next to her. His voice was deep when he talked at the door, his eyes bright blue, and his smile something that could be seen for miles. "I'll give you one shot, if you mess it up you are out. Understand me?" Lydia growled to the poor man sitting in her room.

"Thank you." He got up and started walking to the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" Lydia got up and stomped over to him. She was unbelievably mad that Nox was about to get up and leave. She soon let it go or he would have been gone already.

"I thought you wanted some time to yourself. I was going to look around and see if I can find anything." Nox was making up an excuse for himself because he thought that they weren't going to start right away but take some time to get everything in order.

"No, we are doing this now. I need everything you know. Were you there that night?" The night that the Prince was murder right beneath their noses. Lydia has proven his death to be her fault because she was supposed to protect him. She was a highly trained assassin who learned from the best and she still could not save him.

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