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The time finally came. Lydia went back up to her room where she found Nox staring at the blueprints, hard enough that she saw a vein on the side of his temple bulging out. "You ready?" Lydia said open the door.

"I think. I looked over this and I don't see a way of getting in without being seen." Nox said not looking up but still focusing on the prints that he was now holding in his hands.

Lydia ignored what Nox said and went to where she kept her weapons. She was still wearing the black tunic and it had millions of places to hide weapons. She got out 2 daggers, playing with them in her hands, and placed them at her side covered by the tunic. She then took out her weapon of choice, her sword. She put it on her back. She was ready as she will ever be.

She did not say anything else to Nox as they went out to the Keeps stable and had the stable boys tackle Fleetfoot and Moonheart. They started off to the castle.

"How are we getting in?" The first words that were said on horses between them. Nox knew that Lydia most likely not speak because of what she was going to do on this chilling night. The moon high in the sky and the chilling breeze that occurred every so often.

"We are going through the front gates," Lydia said, not trying to be smart and her face showing no emotion. Nox said nothing in return, he only taught of how it was going to be possible just to walk right in.

They arrived at the gates and the guards said nothing. On this visit to the castle, they did not bring their horses to the stable but behind the guard's station at the gate. Sam had made this all happen. He told the guard to let them in to take care of their horses for a short while.

They made their way into the home of the king, Lydia again not looking back to see if Nox was there and following her. Nox did not know what Lydia was thinking, what she was planning, and how everything was going to happen. He did not think that it was necessary to ask since it would most likely get him killed. The rage that she would have at that moment if he asked would be tremendous.

It became clear to Lydia that why do they need to cover it up? Everyone knows that there was a traitor why not tell everyone who it is. She wanted him to hurt in every possible way there was. She would not rest until she has gotten revenge for her Prince.

Lydia and Nox walked right into the guard's wing. Everyone that they passed did not seem to notice them, presumably because Lydia had spent a lot of time with Sam after Lucian. After many nods and small jesters to different people, they got to the break room. It was 10:30, 15 more minutes until Killian would be there. They would hide in the corner farthest away from the window so it would be dark and hard for anyone to see them.

It was hard for Lydia to fully understand what she was about to do, and she still has not made up her mind about what to do with the killer. The time was finally closing in and Killian walked through the door. He was a rather tall old man with somewhat grey hair and a beard.

Every possible scenario was going through her brain, kill him here? Or take him home? Lydia chose the second. Killian was now stilling down facing the opposite side of the room. She came up behind him and put a knife to his throat, he did not act surprised, in fact, he had a small smirk on his face and said softly and restrained, "I've been waiting for you, Lydia."

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