JL - Angst 2

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I'd kill for her.L.M


"I guess giving everything I have still not enough?" I looked at her dead in the eyes.

I did everything for her to love me. I'd kill for her even. But I think it's still not enough.

I wiped my tears away and start walking away from the person who broke my heart into pieces.

Where did I go wrong? We were okay... not until that man came.

"Lisa you mi-misuㅡ"

"Let her be, babe." Jennie was cut off with the man she cheated on me.

That broke my heart even more.

As I turn the doorknob, Jennie ran into me and hug me from the back. "Lili, I love you." She said. I sobbed and hold her hand tightly.

"I love you, too." I replied, "but your love is not enough for you to stay faithful."

"No plㅡ"

"Let her fucking go, Ruby Jane." The asshole hold Jennie's shoulder.

She slowly let go from hugging me as I opened the door of her house. I start walking away not bothering on looking back.

Because if I do, I might end up beating the shit out of that dog,and I don't want Jennie to see the monster in me again.

I was near her gate when I heard her scream, "Lili, THE SUN IS SHINING SO BRIGHT DON'T FROGET TO BRING AN UMBRELLA."

I thought her that secret code if she's in danger.

I balled my fist tighter and sighed.

I knew it. I thought

I'm still not looking back and start walking faster, when I'm already inside my car, I immediately get my favourite toy to play with.

I grinned as I load my toy a lot of bullet.

No one hurt what's mine. She belongs to me and only mine.

When I get back to her house, I saw all the pain on her eyes and the dogㅡ I mean, Kai, was holding her wrist tightly while dragging her from upstairs.

"I believe your holding the person that is MINE?"

Kai looked back with a shocked on his face by seeing me back.

"Sorry, mate, she's already mine." He smirked.

"Kai, let me go and just go." Jennie pleaded.

I guess she already know what's behind my back.

Jennie knew that my parents aren't just an ordinary people they were the biggest mafia in the world and that include me, but the moment I met her I changed and ran away from all of my responsibility as the next heir.

"I almost have you Jennie if that dyke didn't showed up." He spatted at her. "I thought you love me? You even help me a lot in school." He added.

"Kai, that's because I don't want you to be left behind, I like you as a friend, I already told you, I'm inlove with Lisa." Jennie sobbed.

Urgh. I hate seeing my girl crying.

"Tell me, Dog, did you plan all of this?" I asked in a gritted teeth.

He laughed, "What? Getting all Jennie's attention? Acting like I'm dumb in school so that she can tutor me and consume all of her time? Faking my accident? Telling her that my family beat me up so I can stay here in her house?" He paused and smirked. "All of them and Jennie was so naive, isn't she?"

Jennie's face went pale as she looked at me. "I'm sorry." She mouthed at me, tears already pouring from her face.

I already told her that Kai was up to something many times before but I guess, Jennie is just too good to notice it.

I grinned and walk closer to them, "Naah, she's just too good because she like animals," I trailed off, "specially, DOG."

Kai was about to talk back, but I immediately shoot his arm with my gun.

Jennie screamed and ran to where I was.

Kai grunted in pain as he hold his hand. "You'll pay for this bitch."

"Sure, if you still can make it out alive here." I dryly laughed.

I was about to shoot him again but Jennie hold my hand and looked at me with a pleading eyes. "No, Lisa, he kidnapped my parents." She sobbed.

I creased my eyebrow as I look back to Kai. "Is that the reason why you just let him touch you earlier?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa. He's about to rape me earlier but you came."

In rage, I shoot Kai's head multiple times, his blood was all over the stairs now.

I don't care if Jennie saw the monster in me again. I'm doing it all for her. I'll do everything for her.

When I'm sure that all of the bullet was already inside his head, I throw the gun away and look at Jennie who just stop screaming and sobs even more.

I immediately kissed her hard. "Kitten, I'll find your parents, don't worry. I promise, later tonight they'll be here." I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

I'll make sure of that, I don't want my kitten to walk in the altar alone.

She panted. "Promise?"


And again I kissed her hard.

Told you, I'd kill for her.

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