JL ㅡ 13

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"So, how's everything going on?" Jisoo asks me while handing me a cup of coffee.

I thanked her and smiled, "So far, so good." I replied before giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

It's been weeks already since Lisa came back. And I must say that everything went pretty well. They spoiled the kids so much that everytime I go home I always saw them having new things.

Unique and Angel would sometimes stay the night so that they can play and borrowed the twins from us.

Jisoo nodded. "I'm so glad to see you happy, Jen." She said sincerely which makes me my heart flutter.

Jisoo and Irene was there when I needed someone the most, they never left my side no matter how hardheaded I am to listen to them.

I quickly hugged her. "Thank you, Jis, I don't know where would me and the twins be right now, if it's not because of you and Irene."

Jisoo chuckled and pull away from the hug. "Silly, we're meant to met."

Busy ako ngayon sa pag-a-arranged ng mga papeles ng hindi ko namalayan ang pag-pasok ni Irene sa loob ng office ko sanhi ng aking pagka-gulat na ikinatawa nito.

I groaned and throw my pen at her but she quickly dogded it. "Don't you know how to knock?"

She laughed and shrugged. "I knocked three times, but it seems like you're so busy that you didn't hear it." She explains.

I sighed. "Oh. Sorry,"

Tumango lang si Irene at agad na inabot sa akin ang isang bagong mga papeles na kailangan ko ulit pirmahan.

Napabuga ako ng hangin at minasahe ang aking sentido ng makita kung gaano ito kadami. "Mukhang mag-o-overtime na naman ako." Wala sa sariling bigkas ko.

"Hey, you can finish the rest tomorrow." Irene interjected.

I shake my head. "Nope, I will finish them today. I'm sure tomorrow there is more to come." I paused and sighed, ".... and I don't want to be loaded with papers." I added weakly.

And beside I'm used to it already. Mas madami nga lang ngayon dahil hindi pa bumabalik ang ama ni Jisoo. I bet Jisoo is more busier than me, so who am I to complain.

Wala sa sariling napatango naman si Irene bago inilagay sa mesa ko ang mga papeles. "I wish I can stay with you later buㅡ"

"No, Irene, it's fine, I'll be fine." I quickly cut her off.

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Positive."

"Okay, but if you change your mind, you know my number." She winks.

I chuckled and nod.

Nagpaalam narin si Irene dahil may kailangan pa itong kausapin na client tungkol sa mga schedules ng meetings.

Inayos ko naman agad ang mga papeles at siniguradong nasa tamang folder ito. Habang nag-aayos naman ay biglang tumunog ang cellphone ko kaya mabilis ko itong kinuha sa bag.

Lisa's calling.

I smiled and immediately answered the call. "Hey."

"Hey, hun, I miss you." Lisa said on the other line.

Namula naman bigla ang pisngi ko at napangiti. "I'm living in your house, Lisa, stop being clingy." I playfully said.

"Still." She whines. I bet she's pouting right now. "Don't you miss me, too?" She asks.

Napailing naman ako. She's too childish sometimes.

"So? You didn't miss me?" Pinalungkot naman nito ang boses niya.

I sighed and smiled. "Okay, okay, I miss you, too."

"I know, I can feel it on your voice." She proudly states.

"Really, huh."

"Of course... Anyway, tell Jisoo that mom will be fetching the twins, she's going to bring them to the mall, again." Wika naman nito sa kabilang linya.

I hummed. "Okay, I will." I replied. "Before I forgot, tell the twins I won't be coming home until late tonight, so they don't need to wait for me."

"Why?" Lisa asked sadly.

I sighed and bit my lip while looking at the papers on my table. "I'm loaded with papers."

Ilang segundo pa bago nakasagot si Lisa, "Jen, hun, you know that you don't need to work right?" Here we go again. "Hun, you can just stay at home and watch the twins, I can do the working." She pause and sighs. "Jen, please."

"Lili, we already talk about this, right?"

"Hun, hayaan mo naman akong bumawi sainyo ng mga anak natin, kailangan mo na din magpahinga." Pakiusap ulit nito.

Ilang beses na namin ito napag-usapan ni Lisa, pero ayaw ko naman na siya lang ang mag-trabaho habang ako ay walang ginagawa sa bahay.

Inaamin kung pagod na ako, pero hindi parin mawawala sa sistema ko na sila parin ni Seulgi kaya hanggat maaari magta-trabaho ako dahil hindi pa naman namin alam ang mangyayari at ang magiging desisyon ni Seulgi.

Lisa's not mine until she and Seulgi are done.

"Hun, you still there?"

Nabalik naman ako sa reyalidad ng magsalita ulit si Lisa.

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. "I-I..." I stop and gulped. "I-I'm here." I stammer out.

"Hun, let's talk about this later when you get home." Lisa says firmly. "And I hope this time you'll change your mind." She added.

"O-okay." I weakly replied.

"I'll wait for you. I love you."

"I love you, too." And I hung up the call.

Agad akong napabuga ng hangin at napatingin sa itaas. I know, Lisa's not cheating with Seulgi because in the eyes of the Law, I'm still her wife. But I can't help myself to feel guilty.

Umabot sila ng tatlong taon ni Seulgi at masakit isipin na ako ang magiging dahilan ng kanilang hiwalayan.

I massage my temple as I stare in nothingness.

Fucking complicated.

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