Depression or not?

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{ chapter 3 }

Music. That was the first sound Gail heard as soon as he woke up. He whined and proceeded to raise his head, Gail was surprised to see Amber playing music.

"There, you are awake," Amber said and stopped the music."Wanna visit your sister?"

"Yay, are we going? cause I wanna!" Gail exclaimed, jumping off his bed.

"Yes, we are," Amber said, laughing at his excitement.

Gail ran inside the bathroom, got dressed, and decided to skip breakfast.

"Gail! eat your breakfast or you cant meet your sister!," Mrs Evergreen scolded Gail.

"Please don't scold the poor child," Amber said in pity. The kid was only excited to meet his sister.

"Ok then, please eat breakfast, my Gail," said Gail and Olivia's mom abnormally sweet voice and Gail shuddered.

After they finished breakfast, which was long because of Gail whining, the whole family and Amber wet to visit Olivia. When they arrived Amber pushed everyone back and hugged Olivia first.

"Where were you?" She asked, "We were worried sick!"

"None of your business!" Olivia rudely replied and pushed Amber back.

To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. The two of them were friends since diapers and told each other everything. But the question in everyone's mind was, did Olivia really abandon her only friend? After Olivia pushed Amber her parents tried to hug her too but she pushed them back too. Olivia only hugged Gail. After she hugged she whispered something in his ear. It seemed to be a long thing throughout which Gail kept nodding. When Olivia finished, Gail froze.

"Hey, what did I do? Why is she only hugging you?" Amber was confused. This was her best friend. Gail looked at Amber with a disgusted expression.

"Its because you suck!" Gail shouted

"What? no, you suck!" Amber retorted

"Please cut it out!" A doctor said. "Or I'm afraid I'll have to politely ask you to leave,"

Amber and Gail glared at each other and turned their heads away. Amber didn't come to meet the Everdeens that day. Which was surprising, considering the fact that Amber used to spend her whole day at their house.

Soon after the incident at the hospital, Gail was talking to someone on the phone furiously. He was also swearing! When Gail's mother found out it was Amber on the phone, she immediately confiscated it and grounded him. Amber was older than him. Gail had no right to behave that way.

Soon after Amber came to their house, and when she found out Gail was grounded she was delighted.

"Serves you right for fighting with me!" Amber exclaimed. Gail just scoffed.

"You just, Gail said, "I don't even know the perfect insult for you!" Mr Everdeen intervened.

"Kids, cut it out!" He tried to stop them from fighting. Gail tried to push his father away.

"Gail!" Mrs Everdeen thundered "Grounded!"

"No! Amber was fighting too! Why is she not grounded?" Gail argued

"She can't ground me, you dumb kid!" Amber exclaimed. Mr Everdeen had enough and threw her out of the house. Amber banged on the door to let her in but Mr Everdeen just opened the door to push her. After banging for a while, Amber gave up and left.

"Dad, do you realize that you just threw a guest right?" Gail asked in disbelief. Don't get him wrong, he was glad that his father threw Amber out, but still.

"Maybe I did," Mr Everdeen said proudly. This attracted the attention of Mrs Everdeen, who was cooking food.

"What? You threw a guest?!" Mrs Everdeen asked in shock.

"Correction, I didn't throw a guest," Mr Everdeen said "I threw an unwanted guest,"

"How could you?" Mrs Everdeen asked in disbelief.

"Are you arguing with me in my own house?" Mr Evergreen asked.

"What if I am?!" Mrs Evergreen exclaimed "You are so annoying! Why did I even marry you?"

"I'll sign the divorce papers tomorrow," Mr Evergreen simply said.

"What?" Mrs Everdeen asked in shock.

"You heard me!" Mr Everdeen said. Gail just stood in the corner, watching his parents fight.

"Ok," Mrs Evergreen said, furious. "I'll go pack my stuff."

The next day Mrs Evergreen and Mr Evergreen were going to sign the papers. After the whole thing. Amber never came to Gail's house again. Gail felt guilty. He should have not behaved like that. Gail opened her contact, only to discover that she had blocked him. He was about to go to her house when he remembered what Olivia had told him and decided to not go.After confirming that Olivia had no injuries she was discharged from the hospital with a few signed papers and medicine for depression. It turned out that Olivia had run away because she was depressed. Or was she?


Hello guys! Do you think Olivia is depressed? Read the next chapter to find out! 

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