Chapter 16

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All motion within the Jounin Standby Station grinds to a complete halt when Kakashi saunters in the next morning.

Nose buried in his book, Kakashi doesn't even bother looking up, though Kurama, walking next to him, seems to have been overcome by an abrupt coughing fit and is politely trying to cover his mouth. Kakashi eyes him sidelong, amused, and then goes back to his Icha Icha.

Somewhere in the room, a shinobi chokes, and someone else breathes, "Pink," like it's a prayer.

Truthfully, Kakashi really couldn't care less. In fact, he's vaguely sort of proud of his team for being cunning and vicious enough to pull the whole thing off, though he finds it slightly suspicious that they did it the minute Kurama was depressed and then lit up like it was their birthdays come early when he laughed. Sasuke distracted Kakashi while Sakura baited the trap, and then Naruto led him right into it. It was a stroke of genius on their parts to use a copy of the newest Icha Icha as a lure, and it shows that Sakura—who used to scream and hit Naruto whenever he descended to using...less savory tactics—is finally adjusting to the shinobi anything-goes-as-long-as-it-works mentality.

Either that, or she just really wanted revenge.

(To be entirely honest, Kakashi figures the pink, sparkly hair is a small price to pay for a brand new copy of Icha Icha Seduction. He's been wanting to get his hands on this one for a while now, but the bookstore in Konoha has been sold out. Not that he's going to let his adorable little monster-genin know that. They seem satisfied, regardless.)

Genma whistles softly in admiration as Kakashi perches on the arm of the couch, Kurama settling on the cushions next to him. "Going for a new look, Kakashi? It's...bright."

Kurama laughs softly, and Kakashi flicks his eye up just in time to catch it, feeling something warm and squiggly twist through his chest at the sight of that genuine grin. "I think his genin team disagreed with his method of training," the redhead says mirthfully. "Or it's payback for being late all the time."

"Maa," Kakashi drawls, wondering if he should uncover his Sharingan so that he can keep half his attention on Icha Icha and half on Kurama. He's torn, really. "It was only a small mountain. And the river wasn't that cold."

With a soft snort, Genma sinks back in his seat, arching a brow. "Translation?"

"Training trip," Kakashi explains, flipping to the next page with interest.

There's a moment of silence, uncharacteristic of Genma in the middle of a conversation, and when Kakashi looks up there's surprise written clearly across the tokujo's features. "Training trip?" he echoes. "Already? It's only been a month, hasn't it?"

Kakashi tips his head, dismissing that. "A month and a half. But they're ready for C-ranks. Might even make it through the Chuunin Exams on their first try."

Because if they can work together well enough to prank a jounin who's already mildly wary of them, if they can survive a training trip and come back even stronger and a more tightly knit team, then they've got a chance. They've got a hell of a lot more of a chance than Kakashi's own team ever did. Kurama's told him about their goal, their new, shared dream, and it makes something inside of him tighten and ache and feel warm all at the same time, because he remembers another team that started with a prodigy and a fangirl and a dead-last. And sometimes, over the last few weeks, he's wondered what would have happened if there was someone like Kurama for his team, to push Kakashi to open up and Obito to do better in the areas he was good at and remind Rin of her goals rather than her crush. To care, and make time, and just put in a little more effort than most people would.

It hurts to wonder, but he can't help it.

"Huh." The senbon clicks against Genma's teeth, and the tokujo is gazing at him thoughtfully. "I thought you were dreading having a team. Weren't you in despair of them passing? What changed?"

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