{3} Cat Therapy [Dukexiety]

17 1 0

Cat!Virgil | Pre-AA Anxiety | Platonic | Teen!Sides

610 Words 

Summary:  Anxiety helps calm down Remus using shapeshifting


The Duke's fingers tore yet another piece of paper from his notebook. He had been trying to come up with ideas all week. He couldn't think of anything original. This week had been uneventful, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with anything for Thomas. He had stayed in his imagination for days now, which was normal, but he refused to come out at all. Anxiety was worried for him. He decided to pay the Duke a visit, to try and help him. He wasn't the best at helping with stress, but he was going to try.

"Duke?.." Anxiety carefully opened the door to the Duke's bedroom, peeking through the crack into the room.

From what he could see, the floor was littered with dirty clothes and paper, his duke outfit thrown beside the door. It looked like it had been singed. Anxiety could see pieces of the green fabric burned away. The place smelled. It always smelled, but this time the burning stench of smoke filled Anxiety's throat, causing him to cough violently. He opened the door more, picking up the charred duke outfit and placing it on the unmade mess of a bed. The Duke was nowhere to be found.

"I.T?" Anxiety called out again.

The door behind him slammed completely open. Anxiety jumped, whipping around to see the Duke, barely dressed in only bright green sweatpants and no shirt. He furiously glared at the anxious side, flinging the door shut. "What the hell are you doing in my room?!"

Anxiety caught his breath, his heart still beating from the shock of the door slamming. Smoke filled his nose yet again and he ended up coughing. He quickly cleared his throat and looked at the Duke, "I just came here to make sure you were okay. Dee and I are worried about you."

"I'm fine. Now get out." the Duke walked past Anxiety, throwing open the doors of his balcony and stepping outside in the cold night air. Anxiety clearly knew that he was stressed and snappy. He couldn't think of anything to say that would help. Maybe there was something he could do? Anxiety felt awkward going up and hugging him or something like that... especially because he knew that the Duke hated physical touch when he got like this. Anxiety paused, an idea coming to his head.

The Duke sighed, leaning against the balcony, not caring about the chilly wind blowing against his bare skin. He cradled his head in his hand, staring out into the dark forest below.

Meow. The Duke glanced beside him. A dark grey cat had hopped up onto the stone balcony, staring calmly with a violet gaze. The Duke wasn't amused.

"What's with the cat?" He stared blankly. Anxiety said nothing, stepping forward and gently pressing his soft, furry head against the Duke's cheek.

"Thought this would help you calm down." Anxiety purred. The Duke held back a smile.

"It's kind of freaky when you talk."

"Your whole thing is freaky. Now pet me." Anxiety insisted. Remus sighed and reluctantly placed his hand on his head. Anxiety sat down close to him and shut his eyes, letting the duke pet him. Duke didn't realize it, but petting Anxiety was actually helping him. Having the little grey cat silently keep him company made him feel more calm and comfortable, forgetting about his previous stress. Anxiety tucked his paws under him and became a little grey loaf sitting on the balcony, dozing off as the other absentmindedly stroked his fur, the dukes reddish-brown eyes glancing over at the cat.

The duke smiled, happy to have Anxiety there for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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