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"Midoriya, I can not explain in words how done I am with you," Aizawa sighed, inhaling a coffee.

It was the day after the great sports festival fiasco and Uncle Shouta was still trying to wrap his head around what the hell had just happened at the Sports Festival. Only 1 member of class 1-a had made the podium and that had been Shinsou in second place. Monoma had come in third (after beating Bakugou with his own quirk), and a support student had taken first. And only one team from 1-A had made it through the calvary and they'd all been self-identified Midoriya's.

Needless to say, Aizawa had no idea what the hell Izuku had done, but whatever it was Aizawa was proud.

"Why would you be done with me ZowZow?" Izuku pouted, feigning innocence.

"You know what you did. This is the first year in UA history that 1-A didn't place first, let alone a support student," Aizawa frowned. He honestly wasn't mad about that, he can admit his class needs to be humbled, but he at least wanted to join in on the fun.

"But it's an equal oppurtunity festival? Are you implying it's supposed to be rigged for 1-A? What a scandal!" Izuku gasped, absolutely scandalized.

"The only one rigging anything is you." Aizawa sighed.

"It's not rigging, it's creative liberty,".

Aizawa nodded. He had no idea what Izuku meant.


"I spy with my little eye, a little birdy who just committed a crime," Keigo chirped.

Izuku stood at the counter, washing a mug and watching replays of the sports festival, all with a maniacal smirk on his face.

"You say crime, I say creative liberty," Izuku smiled, letting out a woop as he watched Monoma deck Bakugou on the replay.

"I... have no idea what that means," Keigo said, smile dropping slightly "That being said, I've got a fiasco going on,".

Izuku took in Keigo's expression and shut the tv off. He grabbed two coffee mugs, handing one to Keigo and grabbing a booth for them.

Keigo fiddled with his mug anxiously, "You are not going to be a fan of this,".

"I see..." Izuku hummed, holding the mug up to his lips, staring slightly past Keigo but still making it clear he was listening.

"The commision just gave me a huge assignment and it involves a lot of near death and I really don't think I can refuse it,".

"The commission gives you assignments? I thought that that had to go through an agency, " Izuku asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Usually, but I don't have an agency as of now, so they're my agency until I get mine started, so I really don't get a choice in what I do," Keigo explained, mug forgotten in the corner of the table.

"Right..." Izuku hummed, he stopped for a moment staring out the window, "What's the assignment?".

"They want me to befriend Stain and go undercover into the League Of Villains."

Izuku whipped his head, staring Keigo in the eye.


"I- you really can't just say no to the commission," Keigo sighed.

"I can and I will."

"You can't."

"I can."


"I just fucking did."

"They are not listening to you."

"They will."

"They won't."

"They will when I shove my foot into there-"

"Izuku please," Keigo sighed.

"No, They have no right. Why would they send a barely debuted hero to affiliate with stain AND the fucking league? The league is literally empty and there's no damn reason to involve Stain in this either. Pick. A. Serial. Killer." Izuku ranted.

"I'm really not supposed to tell you any of this Izuku," Keigo conteplated, biting his lip. On one hand Izuku deserves to know what he's getting into, but on the other the commission is not an organization to mess with, "Stain's the new head of the league. He's how I'm going to infiltrate the whole organization,".



Izuku's mug shattered in his hand

Chizome's the fucking what now?


Later in the eve

"Hey Izuku..." Keigo asked softly, weary of the twitch in Izuku's eye.


"Can I ask why we've been holding entirely empty mugs this whole time," Keigo gestured to the mug dust on the floor.

"Creative liberty."

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