Dabi Comes Out Of The Closet

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"I swear to Nezu. What is wrong with people?" Izuku groaned angrily,   glaring at the wallowing villain on the floor, "I'm going to go talk Dabi out of the closet, you are going to sit here and think about what you've done, and when I get you are going to get it. Keigo, can you make sure this asshole doesn't move? Shinsou, help Shouchan he's fucking catatonic right now. Katsuki, be a doll and make some tea for Yaomomo. Children under the age of 8, please go to your rooms while I dare with everyone,".

Keigo gave Shigaraki a sympathetic look as he walked over and sat on the man's back, "Sorry bro, Queen Green has spoken. He's about to rip you a new asshole," Shigaraki just groaned in despair.


"Dabi, please come out of the closet," Izuku pleaded outside of the door.


"Yes? Are you gonna open the door?"

"I'm gay."

Izuku groaned loudly, "We both know that's not what I meant, you asshole. I'm trying to be a supportive father figure right now,".

"You're not my father figure. You're like my bratty brother, who neglects to tell me very important things," Dabi grumbled.

"I know. I'm sorry. We kind of just forgot you're related to Shouchan. I have an adoption plan and everything. He already refers to himself as a Midoriya. You Todoroki's flock to me, I swear," Izuku sighed, leaning against the closet door.

"I'm not leaving this closet. You've kidnapped my estranged brother and didn't even fucking warn me," Izuku could hear the pout through the door.

"Dabi. You're the estranged brother, not him,".

"Doesn't matter. My bratty brothers still brought him here and didn't warn me. What if I panicked and lit everything on fire? What if I jumped the counter and attacked him? What if he forgot me and now I have to live in despair because my beloved baby brother doesn't remember me? Or what if he fucking hates me, Izuku?" Dabi's voice cracker loudly at the end. Now Izuku just felt bad.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Dabi. We didn't do it to just surprise you, we just genuinely forgot to inform you. Shouchan is already a Midoriya to us, and it slipped our minds that you two are genetically related," Izuku sighed, "But I promise he won't hate you. He's a good guy. He won't hold it against you, especially if you went through similar situations,"

There was a moment of silence between the two of them.

"Alright fine, I'll go down but you need to explain to him who I am BEFORE I come down. If he hates me I at least want time to make a run for it," Dabi conceded.

"That's fine, He won't hate you though... Can I have a hug?"


"What? I said I'm sorry," Izuku whined.

"It's not that... I'm stuck in here," Dabi replied meekly.

"What? If you really don't want to go down you don't have to..."

"No, No. Like I'm STUCK STUCK. When I came in, I panicked and melded the door shut with my quirk. Now I can't get out,".

"I'll go get Eri,".

Eri was more than happy to free her biggest brother from the clutches of the evil closet. (If only Eri could get me out of the clutches of MY closet-)

"May I ask what that yellow thing in the corner is?"

Yaomomo, Katsuki, Eri, and Kouta had all escaped upstairs to Izuku's room. Eri had begged Momo to help her do her hair because she wanted to look like a princess (Momo assured her she was already a princess) and the only place with hair products happened to be Izuku's room.

"Oh. That's Shouta, Uncle Shouta if you're feeling brave, and Izu's celebrity crush if you're feeling suicidal. Our cafe is closer than his house so sometimes he shows up and just kind of sleeps. I'm pretty sure he got sick of the noise downstairs and migrated to the nearest quiet place," Katsuki explained. Still having a glare down with Kouta. Why? Nobody knows.

"I did come to find somewhere quiet, but it's been ruined by hooligans, except Eri and Kouta, they're fine. I'm going to sleep in the bathtub," The yellow creature then migrated to another room.

"Is he always like that?" Yaomomo asked.

"Mhm. Uncle Shouta is grouchy, but he's super cool!" Eri giggled.

"Yeah. I got to see him kick Kacchan's butt one time! It was awesome!" Kouta cheered.

"You brat!" Katsuki growled.

He pounced at Kouta and they continued to play wrestle on the floor. It was all over when Kouta squirted water in Katsuki's eye and bolted behind Momo.

"If you come over here and mess up Eri's hair in any way, shape, or form, I will not hesitate to fist fight you. Right here, right now," Momo glared. Princess Eri's hair is serious business.

Katsuki backed down with a glare at Kouta, who stuck his tongue out at him.

"Okay. Dabi has officially come out of the closet. Literally and figuratively. We've got some things to discuss," Izuku looked around the room, "Keigo and Hitoshi can you please go hang out with the others upstairs while I chat with Shouto? Shigaraki, go with them, and sit in the corner until I'm done with this duo,".

"But I'm a grown man," Shigaraki groaned.

"Don't care. You acted like a child so I'm gonna scold you like one. If your ass isn't up those stairs and in the corner in the next 10 seconds, I'm grounding you from my brother," Izuku glared.

Shigaraki glared at him, screamed like an angry child, and stomped up the stairs.

Izuku watched him go and rubbed his temples. Izuku was not old enough to be a mother.

"So, You're probably confused as hell" Izuku smiled kindly at Shouto, who still looked frozen, but now had half the cafe's cats at his side (that was definitely Hitoshi's doing).

"For starters, yes. The guy at the counter was your brother, Touya,".

Shouto immediately passed out.

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