[17] under pressure

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Pietro approached the warehouse with a huff. He felt bad for just walking out but he wasn't sure what else to do. He didn't want to talk and she was stubborn so leaving was the only option to avoid the conversation.

He made his way through the empty hall and approached the door to the room they had been loitering in to find the door open. He faltered, hoping beyond hope that she had just left the door open and forgot about it.

He entered the room cautiously, looking around for any sign of the girl. He ran through his training for arriving at a scene. Sign of struggle: no. Beatrix surely would have struggled.

His sight flickered to the ground where a dart rested and he felt the color drain from his face. Being drugged would explain why there was no struggle.

Pietro entered the room further and he looked around for any other evidence. Everything else remained the same except for the file that had been on the table when he left. The file that contained all of their information on Julien Beckers.

He immediately pulled out the tablet and called up the Avengers headquarters. He hadn't the slightest clue what time it was there but he didn't exactly care either.

As soon as there was an answer, he opened his mouth to speak but stopped upon seeing Tony Stark on the other side. "Where's Captain?" Pietro asked.

"He's preoccupied," Tony replied simply. "Where's Beatrix?"

"That's the issue," he explained quickly. "I left and now...She's gone. I think he has her."

"You aren't on vacation, are you?" Tony inquired and this confused Pietro gratefully. The former huffed, "What exactly are you two doing in Belgium?"

"Are you sure Captain is too busy?" he asked. "I don't think I'm supposed to tell you."

"If Beatrix is in danger, you will tell me."

"Julien Beckers," he stated. "We're here to catch him in the act and detain him."

"Beckers?" Tony repeated. "The Minister of Foreign Affairs?"

"He works for HYDRA."

"Where's the proof?"

"The fact that Beatrix has been taken by him is pretty compelling evidence," he replied simply. "If you're not going to be of help, find me someone who will be. I want to talk to my sister."

"I'm afraid that's not possible right now," he informed him. "Send over your files on Beckers. I'll take care of it from here."

"Captain said-"

"Steve Rogers is no longer in charge around here," Tony cut him off. "Stand down and return home. Your mission is over."

The screen turned black and Pietro scowled. He had never been a fan of Tony Stark and certainly never would be but this just made him hate the man more.

He had no idea what he was supposed to do. Beatrix was the smart one between the two. She was the one who came up with a plan. He was just there for extra firepower or for when she was too lazy to read a long document.

He needed help, he knew that. But what he also knew was that Tony Stark was selfish and he would only do what benefited him. Pietro would not let him sacrifice Beatrix even if it meant breaking the law in the process.

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