Kaitlyn's POV

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As we were looking at the thunderclouds, the sword started rattling and flew out of Max's hand straight back into the rocks. We all stared at it. Oh, fun, a sword that flies! This day couldn't get better and better. Oh, and it got better. The man from my dreams who wore red robes and had a silver staff? Yep, he was standing in front of the sword now. I know what you're thinking: "Oh, come on Kaitlyn, it can't be THAT hard to reclaim the sword AND defeat this guy!" Well bad news, it was quite difficult to defeat him and get the sword back. A bolt of lightning struck the exit of the Washington Monument, and vines started spreading across the doorway. Magnificent, Demeter was now after us too.

I looked at Tiffany and Max. "I'll get the sword, you two hold off Mr. Red Robes here."

I ran past Mr. Red Robes and surprisingly, he didn't care. I grabbed the hilt of the sword and started pulling. It wouldn't budge. I pulled even harder. It didn't even move a centimeter. I climbed on top of the rocks and pulled even harder. Still no movement. Marvelous, the sword the gods were fighting over was stuck between two rocks. In the distance, I heard my friends battling with Mr. Red Robes. And then I heard a snarl. I quickly turned around and I saw something I never wanted to see again: a manticore, the same monster that had killed Wally. I drew my knife. It smirked evilly. It lunged at me and I stepped away. We began to fight, me trying to slice at him while he tried to bite my head off. I kicked it in the stomach and it wailed. It sank its teeth into my leg and I cried in pain. I tried stabbing it with my Celestial bronze knife but it was too quick. After a few long minutes of trying to at least slice SOMETHING off of it, I shouted at it, "Ugh, just give up!"

And to my surprise, the monster stayed still. It looked at me and then sat down and held up his neck, as if wanting to have his throat slit. I frowned at it strangely. Then I heard Max say from across the room, "Kaitlyn, you just charmspoke!"

I was shocked. Charmspeaking? I had never been able to do that before. But before it wore off, I punched the manticore in the face and then held my knife to its throat and whispered in its ear. "You will never hurt my friends again. Understand?"

It looked at me with fear in its eyes. And then it nodded. I slit his throat and he dissolved into a pile of dust. Then Mr. Red Robes turned to look at me. I pulled out my knife but before I could make a move, he pushed me with his spear right into Max's arms. He hoisted me back up. I looked at Tiffany and Max. "The golden sword's stuck. It won't move."

Max looked at us and told us he'd give it a try. I battled with Mr. Red Robes along with Tiffany and in the corner of my eye I saw purple blasts move around the base of the sword but again, it was stuck. He came back to us as he kicked Mr. Red Robes' shin. "Kait's right. It won't move an inch."

Tiff had a grim look on her face. "It's my quest. I think I have to pull it out."

And at the mention of that, Mr. Red Robes looked up at Tiffany. "Go," I said urgently. "We'll hold him off."

Then Tiff ran to the item that the Olympians wanted so desperately.

The Quest for the Golden Sword (Camp Half-Blood Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя