If I could escape </3

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~No One PoV~

Sayaka had gotten her favorite coffee,  an Iced Latte, and was sitting at one of the outside tables, waiting for Kyoko to show up, to discuss this week's homework. Sayaka thought the college professor was giving hard homework, it wasn't hard, All she had to do was get through the last few months, then she was a free adult. Kyoko was a friend of Sayaka's, but also her tutor. Sayaka was a music major, having many record labels already, she was trying to be better. 

Kirigiri was late, where could she be? Maybe with her girlfriend Celeste, so she checked hers and Kyoko's messages.

Kyoko Kirigiri:
Out w/ Celeste no tutoring tonight, sorry dear.

~Sayaka PoV~

Everytime this happens. What do Celeste and Kyoko even do together thats that important? Probably studying. Oh well. I'll just walk home. She discarded of the empty coffee cup into the trash and walked around, and window shopped. She had wanted a new dress, but she didn't know what colour to get. Pink? Blue- EEP- Someone had run into me, and I was gonna hit them.

"you selfish little shit!"

I had punched him to the face, he had a nose bleed so I ran, so I got on my scooter and left, without realizing I had left something behind. He called me that, I didn't know him! Maybe he,, knew me? I wasn't really interfering with him, I was,, shopping. People are dicks. It annoyed me so much to see people like him. So I just went online, seeing how many people bought my tickets, reviewed my shows and merch. Some of them were so rude. 

"You shouldn't make such complicating designs!" 0 stars.
8 people found this useful.

"I'm so glad this shirt is flammable." 1 star.
4 people found this useful.

"Your music is shit, and so is your merch." 1 star.
12 people found this useful.

I wanted to cry. These people are so rude. Whatever. I shut my computer and went to redecorate my room wondering when my roommate would show, I don't mind who they are, I'm just getting lonely in such a big apartment. Its to spacious and I don't like it. I went to clean up the house, every floor, every cabinet, everything. I got done so quickly. I then heard a knock at the door.

(384 words) <3

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