I guess I have to settle for you </3

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~Leon PoV~

She dropped her I.D.? After she punched me? How does that- whatever. I need to go meet my roommate. I hope it's not her, she sounds like a bitch, and she made me bleed. Okay Leon, calm down just turn it in to her, and then the peace will be back. I walked to the address on her I.D.,, It looked very similar to the address I would be living at. I knocked hesitantly and she opened the door, in shock.

"How did you- well come in I suppose, I can get tea." She said, confused. 

I nodded and sat at the table, studying the papers there, her roommate was,, me?!? Seriously. Well whatever she seems sweet, even if she did punch me in the face. She came back around 10 minutes later, with the tea, I am going to apologize for calling her names.

"Hey look I'm sorry I called you all those names, I just thought you were there to cause destruction, I have mild anger issues, I hope you didn't get hurt." 

She looked up, "No, I just lost my I.D. is that why you are here?" She snatched the papers from my hands, looking at me, and then the paper. "You are also my roommate? Okay, I will give you a tour. C'mon. By the way, My name is Sayaka Maizono, You are?"

"Leon, Leon Kuwata." 

She did seem a little shocked, and her name did sound familiar from Middle School, She was obviously sweeter than she was then, and I know Celeste has changed. She had half the apartment decorated, It was very, pretty. Not to be expected, she had succulents hanging from the ceilings, They all had tags, with names. My favorite was Henry, he was quiet small and adorable. She showed me her half empty room, so we share? The other rooms must be a bathroom and the study. It was alright, I didn't have much to move either way.  

"All I need from my house is my bed, and my clothes. I don't need much else." I said to her, she turned around. 
"I have an extra mattress, there's already a bedframe in the corner, If you want it." She said without hesitation.
"Oh, okay, wanna help me get my clothes then? I'm just two blocks down."  

She nodded, but hugged me first, I think she missed me, so I just rubbed her back. I hope she is alright. We start to walk to my house down the block, "Please don't mind my parents if they are home, they think every girl I bring is my girlfriend. It kinda sucks." She giggled, "Yeah I remember! When I came for your birthday and your mom thought I was your girlfriend, you were so embarrassed, But yeah, I'll inform them."

When we showed up, we got the exact reaction I said they would have. "Mom, Sayaka isn't my girlfriend!" My mum laughed and said we could grab the things we needed and leave, so we did, leaving when we were done. 

(508 words <3)

&quot;She's my Alibi~&quot; || A Sayaka x Leon fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now