Chapter One

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All his life, Jung Wooyoung has always lived a sheltered life thanks to his father. When he wasn't in class, Wooyoung would be trapped at home, forced to be on his own while his father would be working. Oh yeah, should it be mentioned that his father was part of the mafia? Yeah, and he was quite known throughout South Korea as well.

Meanwhile Wooyoung was stuck in his father's shadow until his father deemed him 'ready' to take over, which knowing him, would be never. Wooyoung already accepted the fact that he may never get to.

Finally getting out of class, since he wasn't able to drive yet Wooyoung just walked to school and back most of the time. It wasn't like he didn't want to. He did want to learn but any time it had got brought up to his dad it was always one of two responses; 'Sorry, I'm just too busy to teach you.' Or 'Yeah sure, maybe next week',and then that week never comes. Grabbing his stuff, he left the room. Not really having any friends he didn't stay to chat along with the rest of his peers, besides he wasn't too fond of most of them anyway. They weren't exactly the nicest. He had just left the room as quick as he could, getting to the exit, out he wet and to the sidewalk. Ugh. Finally. He hated being around so many people- but never really expressed that to his father knowing if he did he would have been switched over to online classes, and this was the only little bit of freedom he really could have. So for now he would have to just suck it up and deal with it for now.

As he began to walk he grabbed a hold of his phone, and his usual headphones to play some music, mainly to help calm his nerves for the time being. Since he walked all the time, he knew the route to his dad's office building like the back of his own hand, which meant he just kept his own gaze on the ground, refusing to even look up at people. Hands in his pockets he softly hummed along to the music playing, his fingers even tapping against himself in his pockets while arriving at the pretty large office building. Not surprising to see guards standing at the front entrance, they never really talked to him and vice versa as he would go inside to meet up with his dad.

"Hey, beat it kid." He heard a voice through his headphones. Taking them off he looked up, actually shocked that he was stopped- Especially by a young looking man. New worker most likely. Hmm. This made Wooyoung raise a brow, shutting off his music. "This is private property, you think you can just waltz in here all willy nilly. But if I were you I would scram by now." To even make it known he was serious, the stranger had faintly motioned down to the gun he had strapped to his side. But, rather than explaining who he is, Wooyoung decided he would mess with the poor guy. A grin made its way to his face, he did step back some but not enough to be away from them. "Or what?" The younger had asked, even giggling and lifting up two fingers towards his head, he motioned pulling the trigger on himself. "You'll do this? Go ahead. But I have a feeling you would regret doing shit to me."

He could see this angered the man. He stepped up to Wooyoung and feeling hands being put on his chest he was pushed back, stumbling to the ground and gun pointed in his direction. "This isn't some game kid, you don't want to fuck with me or the big guy so why don't you run your little ass home to momm-"

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