Chapter 3: Underground Deals

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"Damn it. There's nothing here, either," Kai'Sa grumbled, as she and Ahri searched another stench-filled alley.

They circled around inside the alleyway. Ahri's eyes roamed urgently across the filthy floor and the grimy walls.

She frowned at the dried stains that trickled down the dirty brick. Were those...pee stains?

Ugh, she shook her head in disgust.


Ahri squealed, body tensing as a fat rat bolted over her foot.

She jerked her foot back, eyes turning golden as the rodent caught her off guard.

Whisker markings glowed on her cheeks.

Iridescent magic spewed out in Ahri's hands as she watched it scurry off.

"Oh, come on," she sighed.

She tried to compose herself, her eyes fading back to baby blue.

Ahri glanced around the alleyway again. There was no sign of any homeless bard. Just trash bags, junk, and other garbage.

Kai'Sa let out a heavy sigh in frustration.

"W-we, we should...keep looking. Maybe we're on the wrong end of Mason Street. Maybe we just missed him. Maybe—"

Ahri placed her hand on Kai'sa's shoulder comfortingly.

"Maybe that guy just didn't know what he was talking about. Or he was...I don't know, high as hell."

"No..." the word barely left Kai'Sa's lips. "We need that magic. That portal, or whatever. We can, we can go anywhere with that. They'll never be able to f—"

"Kai'Sa," Ahri gently peered into Kai'Sa's purple eyes. "We don't even know if that magic exists here."

Kai'Sa sighed.

"I just...I thought, a portal, you know? I thought we could get far away from here. Then, maybe, we could stand a chance."

Kai'Sa pursed her lips.

Her disheartened eyes fell to the floor.

"I thought this was behind me," Kai'Sa somberly admitted. "That I was done running."

Ahri's baby blue eyes looked back at her bleakly.

She gave Kai'Sa a small squeeze on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry," the gumiho said. "We should...leave the city, though."

Kai'Sa slowly nodded, bringing her purple eyes up to meet Ahri's.

"But what about your life here? You can't just...throw it all away."

"A life where I've always felt like I've been hiding?"

Ahri gave a weak, somber smile.

"What it would be like to really feel alive," she muttered.

The gumiho sighed.

"C'mon," Ahri patted Kai'sa on the shoulder. "We should go."

Kai'Sa nodded.

As Ahri turned to leave the alley, Kai'Sa looked back at the trash can behind her. The garbage sat there, almost mocking her for her failure.

"Damn it," Kai'Sa grumbled. "What a waste of time."

She kicked the garbage can in annoyance when—

"Oh my god," escaped her breath.

Her eyes widened.

K/DA and the Call of the Void (Book 1, K/DA: LEGENDS)Where stories live. Discover now