Act II; Part IIII: Strength and Power

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Forcekiller Base Progression: Kira

Previous system: Yag'Dhul

Next Destination: Aridus

Lord Jaydkell's Praetorian guards Dangreel and Zomri are not needed to protect him all the way out here on Kalee, but he agrees with Eliant that the Praetorian guards should be kept just as close to the center of Imperial power as the Councilors because of their role. Kalee itself is far outside of the Republic's influence and has joined the New Empire, so naturally Jaydkell first made an appearance in the capital for a full parade. Now, he has finally moved on to his mission.

Not far from the Capital, in the Kaleesh countryside, the Skossh manor looks over vast swathes of family land where their plantation and vineyard employ many of the local villagers. The 6 brothers and 6 uncles of Darth Kraven, believed to have perished in the quest to kill Darth Necros and restore their family's honor, left behind a few descendants of their own. Darth Kraven was placed in stasis on Pillio before he could start a family himself, but his nephews and cousins carried on the Skossh legacy on Kalee.

Now, the direct descendants of Grada Skossh, mother of Darth Necros, can be found continuing that legacy, long having abandoned the Dark Side but never forgetting the evils of Grada and Irason. There are 3 of this generation. The oldest, Ralda, is Mistress of the house and heiress of the family business. The middle child Ykran is a member of the Kaleesh Boule, and has traveled with Jaydkell from the capital. Nelryl is the youngest, leader of a music band quite popular in the village. 

Jaydkell paces the guest room, where replica lightsabers of the family Sith are kept on the wall. He asks, "Irason and Madir aren't here; why is this?"

Ykran says, "It's probably to discourage the betrayals of those Dark Lords. Irason betrayed the Sith in his time, and Madir betrayed Darth Sidious when he assumed he knew the Dark Lord's wishes."

Nelryl says, "That's not it. Darth Necros's lightsaber isn't here because he never built one, and Darth Kraven's isn't here because it's too impractical and ridiculous to put on display."

Jaydkell says, "You know your history... and you're powerful. Surely you know then, that the ancestors thought to have perished in the plot to destroy Darth Necros were preserved in his Necrotic Palace for over a thousand years, and have recently been revived? Even now they support Big Boss and his mission to end the force itself."

Nelryl answers, "Yeah, I guess Darth Kraven wasn't smart enough to check why his dear old dad added their bodies into the biomass of his creepy fortress... or why he didn't vaporize them if he wanted them dead for good. I know my history, but what I don't know is how he went from Darth Kraven to Kraven-Krataa."

Jaydkell explains, "Krataa is ancient Sith. It means death. It was the name of his Beast, a scarlet Krayt Dragon he taught to use the Dark Side. He formed a great bond with the beast, and using a combination of Dark Side rituals and the brilliant mind of Nym Shim, he found a means to combine their spirits into one and inhabit a new body when they died. As both Irason and our disgraced former Emperor can attest, death is costly to even the most powerful Dark Lords, and their new body was soon after defeated as well.

"How that body was revived I do not know, but you would do well by your family and your new Empire to help in destroying it once again."

Nelryl says, "There's no damn way. Or did you miss the story I just told? They proved their loyalty to the Empire by dying to bring down the Necrotic King in that era and the tyrannical war criminal Count Dooku more recently. In this era, they believe the force should be destroyed, and that's their problem. I won't fight in your war against the Republic or Big Boss... hell, I even think the Sun Doctrine is pretty much fine."

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