V6- T, Q

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With the guys gone K decided to put everything in order to get ready for her move. The first thing she did was go to school where she was expelled which earned her many stares which she ignored completely.

K went straight to the administration office where she met with a sympathetic old woman but she brushed it aside. When people were talking bad about her this woman was also looking at her with a disgusting gaze and now she was acting as if she had always been on her side, what a joke?

"It's good to see you again. Are you now returning to school?" the head teacher asked anxiously as if she was not aware about her expulsion.

"I am here to collect my school transcripts," K answered lazily probing to what the woman will say next.

"Why? Didn't the school renegade on its decision?"

The school did renegade but who was K? She was someone who holds a grudge and she was no longer interested in remaining in Dielas or the school that was filled with hypocrites.

"That doesn't concern me. The school was supposed to trust me and stand by my side instead of casting me away the second my name got blackened. Anyway I am not here to talk about that but to get the documents I want. Are you going to give them to me or what?"

The head teacher realized that K was very angry and she was not going to change her mind. She really felt guilty for the words she said previously, she also felt that K's decision was also reasonable after all; if it was her she would have done the same.

It was a good thing for her to leave such an environment; it was the school's loss and its fault. In order not to be with K longer, the head teacher quickly printed out the transcripts and gave it to K.

K smiled politely at the head teacher and took the envelope that contained her documents.

"Thank you," K said and left the office.

The second she left, the head teacher quickly made a call to the Principal about K's visit. The man was very worried with K not answering his calls and now that she was at school he decided to try his luck.

K didn't know what the school was planning but even if she knows, her mind will never change. K wasn't planning on seeing Flora as she could go o her house and see her. She just never thought that her arrival got spread and Flora heard it.

As K was busy going to the school gate an anxious Flora called out to her which made K stop and turn back. She smiled at the god sister of hers wearing her school uniform and looking beautiful as ever. She really deserves the title of the campus belle.

"Why didn't you come and see me?" Flora asked in a dejected voice, pouting like a child who had been denied her favorite candy.

Seeing this cute side, she had gotten used to, K couldn't help but smile brightly at her.

"It's time to study and not fool around. I was going to come and visit you this weekend," she spoke in a coaxing tone. K had realized that it was very easy to coax Flora and so she took advantage of that.

"Yes, I was just busy with something but now they are done. Now that I saw you, prepare for an outing. We are going camping this weekend that is if you are free."
"I am free, I will start packing as soon as I get home," Flora spoke excitedly.

K spoke with Flo for a while before she sent the other back to class; she didn't want Flo getting on the bad side of teachers.

K who was in a very good mood after talking to Flo got ready to leave once more, ignoring the students' whispers about her life. That didn't bother her as the life they talked about wasn't hers in the beginning. She had already taught those people a lesson but it didn't feel right to let them stay in prison. For the sake of the former Krystal, K decided to be lenient and let them reflect outside.

They have already received their retribution; people will always look at them with disgust they used to look at her. Their lives were surely going to be quite fascinating which is why K decided to give them a final gift. She was going to be filial till the end.

Before K could leave the gate she was stopped by a very familiar voice. She turned around with a blackened face as she looked at the principal who had thrown his weight around, spoke many hurtful words before. What did this lunatic wanted from her?

She had ignored his calls and even blacklisted him and now he was doing this at school. Wasn't he afraid of stooping down to her level?

"Student Krystal, I need to speak with you. Can we go to my office for a chat?" the principal sounded very polite and anxious but what did that had to do with her?

"I am sorry sir but I am no longer a student here. I have nothing to speak to you about. Everything was made clear the day you anonymously decided to expel me," she quickly dismissed any chance of him speaking further.

Hearing this he was very angry that he exploded directly forgetting the mission that Mr. Macy had given to him.

"You.... What makes you so arrogant? The school is being very charitable to take you back in and you are acting all high and mighty. Do you think another school will take you?"

Seeing the old man making himself and the school look very generous, K couldn't help but shake her head with disgust.

"I am very ashamed with you. Since you have stated your intentions I will give you a message to pass to Mr. Macy on my behalf. Tell him that we don't owe each other anymore," with that K left the astounded man.

He didn't know what just happened but he was very sure that a transaction occurred between the two and the desperate one was his boss. Judging from that calm exterior K showed, the principal felt fear for the first time in his life. This young girl was not ordinary, something about her felt very dangerous and mysterious.

It seemed like this time they made a huge mistake with their judgment. The school was already suffering a negative impact after the live broadcast and many parents were being concerned even though they were the ones who wanted K to be kicked out.

He shook his head as he returned to his office. When he arrived he called Mr. Macy who picked up on the second ring.

"I am sorry sir, but the girl rejected the offer," the principal said in a dejected tone.

"What exactly did she tell you?" hearing the anxious voice on the other side, the principal relayed the message as it is.

"She told me to tell you that you don't owe each other anymore."

Mr. Macy who heard this felt his world shattering, he had been very impulse that time and thought that discarding Krystal will be for the better since he was a businessman; he just never thought that the tables will be turned so quickly and the answer to his question lies with Krystal.

He had the hospitalanalyze his blood for the pill he took that time but the results were very confusing. Many components found in his blood were not only extinct but very rare. The researcher was so excited he wanted to meet with the practitioner. If they could make more of the medicine, then they would be able to not only heal many but make tons of money.

This was only realized after he already burnt the bridge and Krystal blacklisted him and no longer wanted to speak with him. He and his son tried so many times and yet it didn't work. He tried to renegade the expulsion notice but Krystal was very stubborn and rejected it.

He was at a loss when he ended the call. He knew he had messed up and that their relationship had already been severed after hearing that message. It was already too late for regrets but he still hoped that she will give him a chance to mend his ways.

She still needed to finish school and write her college entrance exam, so he may use that to his advantage. She was not going anywhere after all, her family despite being doomed was still in Dielas and she will not be going anywhere.

What he didn't know was the fact that Krystal will be gone in a month and it will be very hard for him or anyone else to be close to her again. He didn't know that she was an existence that was getting hard to see and was out of his reach. But by the time he realizes it, he will already be drowning in an ocean of regrets.

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