Just a clusterf-ck ngl-8

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Italians POV:
Japan was running from Italy all over to house and the nonstop screaming and screeching made my ears hurt, I went up to them and picked them up and Japan smacked me in the face with a toy. "Oh sorry I thought you were Italy" (that doesn't make it any better you little shi-) "it's fine- just be quiet JE has a fever-" "oh sorry" japan said with a sorrow voice. I put them down and went over to JE's room "can I come in?" "はい" (yes) I walked inside and JE was sitting on her bed "are you ok?" "はい" (yes) "you need sleep- you looked Exhausted-""大丈夫です" (I'm fine) "your not fine- you literally have a fever you need rest-"いいえ"(no) we usually speak English but when someone's tired they don't have the energy to speak it so they speak their own- basically they had to learn English but when someone's tired they usually forget how to at the time- "your speaking Japanese- I literally have to have a translator app thing just to know what your saying!-" "私は英語を話さなければなりませんか?" (do I have to speak English at all times?) "no- no- just- go to sleep!-" I walked out of the room and closed the door, and sense the numbers weren't high at the moment i went over to japan and Italy and they were just standing right where I put them- weird children- "do you guys wanna go to the park for a few minutes?" They just sat there, not even blinking "uhhh-" then it clicked- I tapped them both on the shoulder "FINALLY YOu unfroze us!" I forgot that they were playing freeze tag- they always take it too seriously- "but yes I wanna go to the park" japan said "me too!" Italy joined in, "alright we'll go in a few minutes".

(A few minutes later which seemed like years to japan and Italy)

"Alright let's go" japan and Italy looked overwhelmed with excitement.

(Just skip to when their at the park)

I sat on a bench and japan and Italy went over to the playground which had a few kids on it already.

(A few minutes later)

Japan ran over to me crying " what's wrong what happened?" I picked her up "a kid slapped me and pushed me off the play set.." a kid was right next to me (and I slapped them*jk*) japan pointed to the kid and said "they did it.." I looked over to the kid and said "can you pl-" the kid cut me off "I didn't do it he did" the kid pointed towards a direction and I looked at the direction and no one was there so I looked back at the kid which was g o n e. I looked everywhere and the kid wasn't in s i g h t. "Italy come h-" next thing I knew was that I was hit in the back of the head "ow-" i looked behind me and there was a t a l l person. I'm talking 8feet tall. They looked m a d. (N o p e) I picked up Italy and I slowly walked away from the person-.

(Just pretend their home now-)

I put Italy and japan down and sat on the couch, my head was aching with pain.
(I'll write more soon)

Stuck with idiot (japan empire x Italian empire)Where stories live. Discover now