Where is she?-5

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(Before I start this I just wanna say before my zoom started I fell asleep and I dreamed of beating the sh-t out of my cousin for trying to steal my Mac and cheese (shaped like houses?!) and my plushie horse. I ended up stealing the Mac and cheese and apparently I was at "my"uncles house o-o)
Italian's POV:
JE had already left for the party or whatever and I was alone with 2 devils. Italy and Japan. Italy kept on bothering me about making pizza and Japan kept on bothering me about anything that happened. "Wheres mom?" She kept on repeating "JE isn't home right now!" I kept on answering but she kept on repeating. "How about we play hide and seek until she comes back?" Japan and Italy looked at each other then looked at me. "You count!" They both exclaimed and ran off in different directions. I covered my eyes and counted to 10 "1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9.... and 10! Ready or not here I come!" I got up and searched the kitchen, just to make it more exciting for them whenever I would 'think' there in a place I would say "maybee your innnn here!" Then check the place then say "no no, not here" when I checked the living room I found Japan somehow under the couch. I picked her up and placed her on the couch. I searched the entire house except for JE's room cause I respect her privacy- I found Italy in japans room hiding behind some stuffed animals.
A few hours later and she still hasn't come back, I started growing more concerned. It was 7pm! (Like tHatS lAte! I gO tO bEd aT 2aM) Japan and Italy were asleep and I was wide awake with the fear of JE getting hurt or taken. I go bright red when I realize what I'm thinking. I hide under the blankets like if that gonna do anything.
(A few minutes laTer~-) (why did I do the- ~)
I suddenly heard a door open and I got up and looked down the hallway. I couldn't see anyone yet but I could hear footsteps. I slowly headed out of my room and down the hallway. Before I could see the person I heard a big thump from where I heard the footsteps.

Stuck with idiot (japan empire x Italian empire)Where stories live. Discover now