Chapter 2

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You sit there trying to figure out what happened before you were asleep. You look up to Steve and walk over to him.
"What happened before I was kidnapped?"
He looks at you and shakes his head.
"Steve tell me. Please."
He was about to answer when the door opened to reveal a black man with an eye patch.
"Miss.(L/n) it's good to see your awake. My names Nick Fury."
"What is this place sir?"
"It's an agency called S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Why am I here?"
"You have the same skills as Cap over here and we'd like you to help us."
You look over at Steve and walk back over to sit at the table and put your head on it.
"Can I have sometime to think about this request?"
"Of course just let me now whet you have decided."
He walks out and you lean back in the chair.
"You don't have to join you know."
You look over at him and sigh.
"I just want to know what happened to me." Your voice cracks
You feel your eyes water and put your hand over your eyes.
"Why me?! Why did they take me?! Why can't I remember anything? I really want to remember."
You break down and hear Steve walk over to you. You feel his arms wrap around you and you stand up and wrap your arms around his neck. You feel him rubbing your back and tightening his hold on you.
"I don't know but we'll figure it out. They found some files in the Hydra base where you were being kept maybe your files in there."
You nod against his shoulder and you stand there like that for awhile. You pull away and he wipes away your tears. You laughs and look at him.
"You always did that whenever I cried."
He laughs and kisses your head.
"And that, you haven't really changed have you?"
"Well I did join the army."
You two laugh and hear the door open. You turn to see a woman with red hair.
"Natasha what is it?"
"Bruce wants to talk to (Y/n)."
He nods and she walks out. He takes your hand and walks you to the lab.
"What is it Dr. Banner?"
"I just want to ask (Y/n) a few questions. Can you sit on the bed?"
You nod taking your hand out of Steve's and walk over to the bed. You sit down and play with your fingers.
"There's no need to be nervous."
You turn to Steve and nod but keep fidgeting with your fingers. He walks over to you and sits behind you and places his arm around your shoulder.
"Okay (Y/n) I'm just going to ask a few questions answer what you can remember."
You nod and he grabs a writing pad.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I slept for 70 years."
He looks at you and you roll your eyes.
"I feel fine."
"Do you feel any pain anywhere?"
"Are you dizzy?"
He nods and writes it all down.
"Fury gave me some questions to have you answer so if you can remember please tell me."
You nod and he starts.
"How long have you known Steve?"
"My whole life,we grew up together."
"How old were you when you got the serum?"
"Where you in a relationship?"
"What? She's hot."
You feel Steve tense and laugh.
"Do you remember being with Hydra?"
You look down at the ground and swallow.
"Do you remember being in the aircraft with Steve when it went down?"
"No but Steve told me he knocked me out."
"Okay, now besides what you told me earlier what do you remember?"
You think for awhile before you answer.
"Nothing if you mean the war only what I said earlier and what I just told you."
He nods and walks away to the desk.You turn to Steve and shake your head.
"This stinks."
"I know."
"Where will I be staying when I get out of here?"
"My place until we can get you one."
"Just like the sleepovers we use to have. Me,you,and Bucky."
You see sadness flash in his eyes at the name of your best friend besides Steve. Your about to ask when Tony walks up to you.
"So want to go on a date hot stuff?"
You stand in front of him. He's a few inches taller then you but you don't care.
"No I don't and don't ask me again nightlight."
You hear Steve and Bruce laugh and smirk while Tony smiles.
"Feisty I like that."
You roll your eyes and turn to Steve.
"Can I leave this place?"
"Let me talk to Fury then we'll go."
You nod and he leaves the room as Natasha walks in. She walks over to you and smiles.
"I'm Natasha Romanoff we didn't really get to talk awhile ago and I wanted to introduce myself properly."
"(Y/n) (L/n) nice to me you ma'am."
"Wow you talk just like Steve."
"Same time period."
You see Steve walk back in and walk over to you and Natasha.
"We can leave."
You smile and jump off the table.
"Let's go, not to sound rude or anything I just really want to get out of this place."
You walk out with Steve not expecting to see what's outside.

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