Chapter 5

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First off before you get to the chapter sorry for not upgrading in along time and I've also noticed Steve is kinda OOC and I'm sorry about that as well so hopefully that will come change and if not sorry I'm going to have this in the setting of the winter soldier so I can add Bucky into it on how I wanted to add him, now to the chapter!!
You woke up and saw that Steve was nowhere to be seen. You look at the clock on the wall to see that it was eight o'clock and look outside to see it was dark out.

'Nice you slept through a whole day.' You thought to your self. You got off the couch and went to his bedroom door and knocked

"Steve, you in here?" You waited for an answer but never got one.

You opened the door and saw that the room was empty. Sighing you walked back into the living room to see a note on the coffee table. You sit on the the couch and read the note.

I had to leave because Fury had to talk to me. I'll be back soon stay inside and don't burn down the place before I get back.
-Steve R.'

You shake your head and drop the note back into the table. Getting up you walk into the kitchen. You look in the fridge for something to eat. Finding nothing you really want you grab an apple that was in a basket on the table.

Looking around the apartment you see a record player and some records next to it. You walk over to it and put it on a record with the name Frank Sinatra on it. You sat on the couch and started thinking back on the dream you had.

"Was it a dream or reality?" You asked yourself out loud since you were alone and no one could call you crazy. You were brought out of your thoughts when there was a knock at the door. You set your apple down on the coffee and look around for anything to use as a weapon.

Grabbing a near by lamp you head to the door and look through the peep hole on the door. You see red hair and carefully open the door and put the lamp behind your back. She looks at you and gives a little smile. You stand there for a moment just looking at each other.

"Are you going to let me in?" You look her up and down

"I'm still deciding." You tell her
You two keep looking at each other before you decide to let her in. You walk back over to the little table by the couch and put the lamp back.

She sees you set the lamp down and smirks "You were going to attack me with a lamp?"

"It was the only thing I could find as a suitable weapon. Didn't know who you were." You told her and crossed your arms over your chest.

"Fair enough, Steve sent me to check on you. He was worried." She told you and stopped the record player.

"Not surprised he'd always send Bucky to check up on me at work. You and Steve friends?" You asked her

"Something like that. How are you doing, being out of the ice and all." She asked and looked around

"Still trying to figure everything out." She nodded at you and you studied her. Natasha felt you staring at her.

"Is there something wrong." She looked at you

"I was always tell a persons past by how they acted and held themselves." You told her

"Never met someone like that." She told you and stood a few feet in front of you.

"And I've never met anyone like you ma'am."

"And what am I?" She rose an eyebrow and you smiled

"A trained assassin, not by choice though." You uncrossed your arms. It went silent and you two stared at each other.

"You sure you never read my file?" Natasha smirked at you and crossed her arms over her chest

"Never in my life." You told her

She hummed "What else can you tell about me?"

"Always doing two sides of a job though, double agent but your only following orders, doesn't mean you don't have fun though." You smiled at her

"You call tell all that just by looking at me? Your like a real like Sherlock Holmes." She smirked at you

"Steve and Bucky hated it, mostly Bucky." You laughed and she chuckled with you

"I should get going." She told you and walked to the door

"Do you think we could be friends at some point?" You asked her

She stopped and turned to you
"I think it's possible, but don't get your hopes up."

"Never, and if we do I can always tell you embarrassing stories about Steve." You told her

"I'd love to hear them. See you around." She opened the door and left closing the door softly. You started at the door and sat on the back of the couch.

You grab the half of the apple and threw the rest of it away in the kitchen. You hear glass shattering and see a man coming into the apartment. You walk over to the drawers and grab a knife from one of them.

You quietly walk over to the wall were the door is and lean so your bodies pressed up against it. You hear his foot steps coming closer and move to and come out from behind the wall and stab him.

He grabs your wrist with a metal hand and grips your wrist hard enough so you drop the knife. He lets go of your wrist after you drop the knife and punches you with his metal fist. You fall to the floor and groan.

He grabs the knife from off of the floor and walks toward you. You get up and stand with your fist in front of you ready to attack. He walks over to you and tries to stab you with the knife.

You dodge his attack and kick him in the gut. He bends over slightly and glares at you. You try to kick him again but he grabs your ankle and forces your leg up in the air and you lose balance and hit the ground.

You gasp as the airs knocked out of you. He goes to kick you in the face but you roll away from his attack and jump back up to your feet. He lunges the knife at your face. You dodge it and it cuts your cheek. You grab his arm and hit his forearm on your knee. He yelps and drops the knife. He grabs your neck with his metal arm and lifts you in the air. You struggle and throws you over the couch, you land on the coffee table breaking it.

You gasp for air and the man straddles your hips and punches you in the face. You move fast enough to catch his fist before he punches you again. Punching him in the face the mask covering his mouth flies off and lands next to your head. You look at him and your eyes widen as he glares at you.

"Bucky." You whisper and he looks confused at you.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" He says before knocking you out.
Yay!!! New chapter I am so sorry it has been really busy the past year and I was finally able to finish it today! Hope you like it! And I'm so so so sorry for the wait

What happened to me? Steve Rogers x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum