(Kissing each other. )

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Chapter seven:

Maybe they made a mistake. Which is possible. But very irritating in a hotel of the Alyster's caliber.

They better not have. He checks the envelope that the key card came in, then swears under his breathe. Damn it. Wrong room.

I laugh at his chagrined look.

He pulls me down the hallway. Finally, we stop at the door at the end of the long corridor.

He sticks his card in, then dramatically intones, Open sesame.

The lock clicks. Finally!

He turns the handle, and we spill into a semi - dark suite together. He puts the plastic in it's slot next to the door,and all the lights in the suite comes on. Very convenient, because I want to see him.

He pushes me against the wall, his mouth ravenous over mine. I kiss him back, my need no less intense than before. It's like all the logistics of leaving the club and coming to the hotel and checking in and finding this room have whipped my lust to an Everest- like height-as though they were necessary steps before the most sumptuous meal ever.

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