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September 2015
        A woman approached a man, who appeared to be a worker.
    "Here she is, Mother Sarah." The worker said, handing the woman a baby carrier.
Sarah took the carrier.
   "Number 73584?" Sarah asked.
   "Yes.  From a premium farm too." The worker said.
   "Thank you. And her name?"

August 2020
Gracefield orphanage
Six year old Isabella sat on the grass under a tree, holding a little bird that had flown up to her.
A boy with light purple hair approached her.
    "Hi." The boy said, taking a seat next to her.
    "Hi!" Isabella said.
    "Did you hear we are getting a new sibling in a few days?" Leslie asked.
   "Yeah! Mama said it's going to be a girl!" Isabella exclaimed.
   "Mama said she's coming because Jacob is getting adopted tonight." Leslie added.

   Every few months children from the orphanage would be adopted, starting at the time they were 6 years old. By 12 years old they were sent to foster parents if they weren't already adopted.
   It was always exciting for the children to say goodbye to their "siblings" that were getting adopted, but also sad. Isabella wondered when she would be adopted...if she even would be adopted. And as for Leslie, she didn't want him to get adopted before her because then she wouldn't have her best friend.

    A few hours later , once it was dark out the "Mom" of the orphanage, Sarah called all of the children to the main entrance way of the house.
   She stood there, next to Jacob who was in his adoption day suit, holding a suitcase.
   "Today Jacob is being adopted! I will be bringing him to the gate to meet his new family. So as always, don't leave the house while i'm gone. Say your goodbyes to Jacob!" Sarah said happily.

After Jacob left, nobody heard from him...or received letters from him like he said they would.

March 2025
Gracefield orphanage
       Isabella ran through the halls on her way to the dining room for breakfast.
    She was a short girl, wearing the uniform that all girls at her orphanage wore, a white button down shirt with a white tennis skirt and brown boots, her hair was tied into a loose braid that had two pieces of hair left out.
   "Hello Amelia! Hi Josh!" She yelled to two other, older children, almost tripping over her own feet.

  Leslie jumped back as she came flying into the dining room.
   "Isabella! Be careful!" He called to her.
   "I will! Sorry Leslie!"
All of the younger children were playing on the floor of the dining room while the older kids made breakfast.

   Isabella joined Amber, one of the older girls to help set the table.
"Hey Am!" Isabella said, grabbing a stack of plates.
"Hello Isabella."
"Amber, when are you getting adopted?" Isabella asked.
"I'm not getting adopted. My 12th birthday is in 3 days, so I'm going to be sent to my foster home."
"Oh, well that's exciting! I can't wait to be adopted! Then one day i'm going to get married and have kids and be a mom like mama!" Isabella said, smiling.
"Who will you marry?" Amber asked.
"I don't know. Maybe a boy I meet outside or-"
"Leslie?" Amber teased.
"Leslie! No way! He's my friend! I could never marry him!" Isabella shrieked.

Amber looked at Isabella, then looked at Leslie...who happen to be staring right at Isabella.

"Well how do you feel around Leslie?" Amber asked.
"I feel happy!"
"Like you want to be around him forever?"
"You like him then."
"Of course I like him. I like all of you guys." Isabella said rolling her eyes jokingly.

Amber finished putting some silverware down and looked back at Isabella.
"Don't call me that. I hate it." Isabella said sternly.
"Isabella, I mean you like LIKE him. Like in a romantic way."
"Romantic? Like in the books?"
"EW! No! He's just my friend, I already told you that." Isabella said, skipping away.

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