The Mom Of Gracefield

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Gracefield House
March, 2034
       Isabella stood before Sarah, who had just been promoted to Grandmother position, and the rest of her peers who had also been training to become a mother.
    "Isabella. Congratulations. At just 19 years old, you are now the youngest person to be selected to be a mom of a farm. Starting today you will be the mom of plant 3." Grandmother told her.

January 2039
Gracefield house
Isabella walked through the yard of the house while the children played tag, humming the song that Leslie wrote for her. Suddenly she heard another voice, the voice of a small child, singing it too.
She walked up to a tree where she saw 6 year old Ray, reading a book.
"Ray. How do you know that song?" Isabella asked.
Ray looked at her.
"Why did you give birth to me, Mama?" Ray asked.
Isabella felt saddened by the question, understanding that Ray knew everything.
"Well Ray, I did it for survival." Isabella said.
"I know about everything mom." Ray said.
"I don't know. I just never forgot what happened to me when I was a baby. I remember it all."

Isabella sat down next to Ray.
"You can't tell anyone." She said.
"I won't, if you make a deal with me." He said.
"What kind of deal?"
"I spy on the other kids for you and tell you if anyone is up to no good, and in return you get me presents." Ray said.
"Okay. I can work with that." Isabella said, moving Ray's hair away from his eye, and smiling.

April 2039
Gracefield House
Six year old Ray, Emma, and Norman ran through the hallways of Gracefield house.
"Mama look! I'm an airplane!" Emma yelled, putting her arms out.
"Airplanes are made of metal. You aren't made of metal." Ray said.
"Okay. So then I'm a fairy! Norman be a fairy with me!" Emma said.

Norman put his arms out, just like how Emma had hers.
"Like this?" He asked.
"Yes! Just like that! Now we are fairies together!" Emma yelled.

Isabella smiled and picked up Emma.
"You're the cutest darn fairies ever." She said laughing.

August 2040
Gracefield House
    "Mama?" Norman said, gently pulling on her skirt.
Isabella crouched down.
   "What's wrong?"
   "I don't feel good." He said.
Isabella felt his forehead.
   "You have a fever.  Come on, you will stay in the infirmary for a couple of days."

   Isabella brought him to the infirmary, Emma came running in.
  "Don't worry Norman. I'll stay with you until you feel better!" Emma yelled.
  "Emma, honey you can't. You will get sick too." Isabella said, motioning for Emma to leave the room.
  "No, Ray told me I can't get sick!" Emma chirped.
Isabella turned to Ray.
  "The book said idiots don't get sick." Ray said, holding up a book.
Isabella chuckled and left the room with Emma and Ray.

   A few hours later when Isabella went to go check on Norman again, she saw Emma also enter the room.
   "Emma, I told you that you can't be in here." She said.
  "Hold on one second Mama. Norman look what I made for us! It's so we can still talk to eachother while you are in here." Emma said, handing Norman a cup with a string attached to it.
   "How does it work?" Asked Norman.
   "Put it up to your ear and you can hear Emma when she talks through her cup." Ray said.

   Isabella brought Emma and Ray back out and they all stood outside of the door. 
  "Put it up to your ear so we can talk!" Emma yelled as loud as she could.
  "If you keep yelling like that, then you won't need the cup." Isabella laughed.

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