3 dance with me tonight

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"I was wondering if you and me could spend a minute,
On the floor, up close, getting lost in it"

It was coming up to midnight, but for Harry and Milly, and all their friends, the night was still very young. They had done the pleasantries, had a nice dinner, had their cringy slow dance and the formalities that come with a wedding reception. It became apparently to the both of them pretty quickly that they had the same sense of fun, neither one wanting to waste a single minute of their time celebrating the strange occasion. Drinks had well and truely flown, and the conversation had not stopped.

Milly had met Harry's family, his mum and dad , his brother and his sister, and it had gone well. His mum and sister loved Milly, Harry didn't even need to hear their conversation, he knew his family well enough to be able to tell from their body language. His brother, had come over to him a told him simply, "yeah she's real good," after a ridiculous dance battle he and Milly had after the cake had been cut. And his dad, a man of few words, had just given a head nod when from across the room Harry had given him a 'what do you think?' look while his brother was attempting to teach Milly how to floss.

Harry had also noticed a lack of family from his new wife's side in attendance. Tobi had also made comment about her friend's only being around, unsure if Harry had noticed or not. Harry had assured him he had and that he had made a mental note to ask Milly about it later, but sensing it was probably not a topic for their wedding night, decided to leave it for now. Unknowingly to Harry, Cal had mentioned it to Lannan, who had simply replied "I'm sure she will mention it eventually." Cal had just laughed and left it at that.

Now that the night was winding down, against Ellen's recommendations, Harry and Milly had opted to stay and hang out with their friends and continue to get to know each other's closest people. The cameras had gone, and the group were simply left with each other, the parents and adultier-adults having left. The group of young adults had split off into smaller groups, either catching up with each other or simply getting to know each other.

"Wait so what in the world made you want to do this?" Josh had asked the girl in front of him.

As the self proclaimed dad of the Sidemen, he both was intrigued in the Australian, and wanted to make sure the youngest of their band of brothers was going to be looked after. The bearded boy was sat with Tobi and Milly, arranged in a circle of three as he and the girl in white shared a bottle of champagne, without glasses, because they were classy. Although they didn't know her from a bar of soap, he had admired the way she hadn't taken herself too seriously throughout the night. Her perfectly placed her was in a mess of waves now that she had taken all the pins out, and she hadn't worried about how she looked as she danced like a fool with Harry. He knew at least they were perfectly matched in that sense, he just couldn't figured out why she was here in the first place.

"Well Im going to be honest, when Lannan told me he applied for me, I hit the roof," Milly laughed, offering Tobi the bottle before passing it back to Josh after he has politely declined. "But I guess I thought it would be different you know. The more I thought about it the more intriguing it sounded. And I mean professional relationship people, whatever they are, they have to have some sort of idea about what they're doing right. I figured, as wild as it seems, I may actually find someone to spend my life with."

"I guess that's fair enough, funnily enough Harry said a similar thing, and he also flipped when Cal told him he signed him up," Josh laughed.

"And also, if it goes to shit I have a few months worth of content, right?" Milly joked, slurring her words.

"Ha! Bog said the same thing!" Tobi piped up.

Love at First Sight? {Harry Lewis- W2S}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang