4 strong

211 5 0

"My hands, your hands,
Tied tight like two ships."

"Wait so let me get this straight," Milly mumbled over the mug of coffee warming her hands. "So there's seven of you, you do one big video every Sunday, you also have a second channel, a reacts channel and a shorts channel?"

"Correct," Harry nodded, taking a sip of his tea.

"And on top of that you all do things for your own channels, expect for you?"

"Yep, well I do stuff for my second channel, the main is in the mud at the moment, and I stream."

"How the hell have you all got time to even breath? I can barely keep up with my two channels, let alone filming with other people weekly," she chuckled, thoroughly impressed by her new husband's dedication.

"It's definitely a struggle, but I'm trying to make time for my life now, that's why I guess I let the main channel slip," Harry explained.

"Well that's fair enough, at least you're still doing things though."

"I appreciate you being understanding," he smiled at his wife.

The pair were sat on the balcony of their room, pancakes that Harry had made filling their forks and mouths in between chatting. The hangover thumped through both of their heads as they tried to drown the sick feeling of the night before with caffeine. Harry couldn't stop looking at Milly. Her hair was messy from a solid night of sleep, her eyes reddened with the after effects of champagne, and she was half wrapped up in a blanket as she averted her eyes from her emptying plate to the stunning view before them. He had made a note of the beautiful scenery, but the girl with the brunette wavy hair who hummed in appreciation when the taste of coffee hit her tongue was so much more interesting to look at.

Milly appreciated the efforts Harry had made this morning. She could tell pretty much straight away there was a shift in his personality, she wasn't sure if it was that doubt had settled into his mind, or because he had been cleared of liquid courage. Either way, she found the way he timidly told her he'd made breakfast, and the way he asked her to show him how to make her preferred coffee so he would know for future, completely adorable. She noticed the way his eyes hooded over more now that he was tired, and also how they flowed and sparkled with the sun, reflecting their beauty. She found herself trying to find more and more ways to slightly touch him, loving the warmth that spread through her whenever his skin touched hers.

"So I guess we should start getting ready?" Harry asked through a mouthful of berries and maple syrup.

"I guess so, you animal," Milly chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully and standing, taking their plates with her and dropping the blanket as she walked to the kitchen.

Hardy couldn't help but stare as her hips swayed with every step. The graceful way she walked, her bare feet gliding her across the floor boards to the kitchen had him in a daze. Even in her ridiculous pyjamas, she was so beautiful.

"You'll catch flies with your jaw hung open like that," Milly laughed from the kitchen sink, smiling widely at the boy gazing at her.

The way he looked at her, god it made her want to melt.

"Very funny," he chuckled, a rose tint appearing on his cheeks as he realised he got caught looking.

The couple slowly took their time packing and getting ready for the flight back to London. They got in their comfy clothes for the planes, and Harry chuckled as Milly had no reservations dressing in sweat pants and a hoodie that drowned her. Comfort, he guessed. They said goodbye to the magical hotel room, and while Milly looked at the view she dreamed of waking up to every morning, Harry did the same. His eyes never left his new wife.

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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