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It's been two months since I last saw the Doctor. He visits from time to time and shows me more planets and people. I'm lying on my bed at the moment, trying to do my English homework but my mind wanders to Gallifrey. It always does. I turn my music up and sigh. I close my eyes and think of the planets I've seen and the people I've met. A ping from the computer brings me out of my reverie. I stumble across the room, glad to have an excuse to leave the dreaded English coursework. A message from Torchwood. I sort out computers for them and give a little background knowledge of the aliens they catch. As I type away at the computer, a breeze enters the room and the wooshing starts. The TARDIS slowly starts to materialise as I stand there. In my pyjamas. Great.

As soon as the TARDIS has stopped, the doors are flung open and the Doctor's head appears.

"You're it! You're the key! The Gifted One! You can find Gallifrey! Come on, no time like the present!" He cries as he grabs my hand and pulls me into the TARDIS. 

"You can get there, I know you can. Take us to Gallifrey."


yoo so it is definitely the end

this epilogue is short because that was literally the last loose end.

y'all can imagine what happens next.

thank you for reading :)


p.s. scilla is procrastinating her english coursework bc that is what i am doing right now.

A Doctor Who fanfic: Scilla BloomWhere stories live. Discover now