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                                                                 " Cleopatra Just Who Are You?"




Third Person POV

The Next day Asta woke up extra early seeing as though today was the day, Nacht was going to help him control the devils powers. Not wanting to wake the others and have them know what he was doing , he crept silently across the hallway making sure not to step onto any creaking floor boards. Yes I'm super Pumped! 'I'll be able to have full control off the devils powers once he shows me how to do it and if I nail this then I'll be able to take down that bony-bastard and his other two siblings and take back Captain Yami!' Asta thought all of this to himself not realizing that he had just passed another on his way forgetting that he wished not to be seen until " Asta-Kun?" Immediately after hearing those words , Asta turned and tried to knock the person unconscious with the techniques that he had learned during training but it seemed as though the person had better physical strength than Asta. "AHHH-" SLAM! " OWWWWW!"  Asta moaned out in pain after charging at the person which resulted in them picking him up and throwing him down onto the floor. "Asta-kun? Are you ok?" That voice sounded heavily familiar. " Cleopatra?" "Hahaha! yeah that's me!" She said laughing awkwardly. She offered her hand in which he gladly took and she slowly lifted him up. " Jeez ! WOW! You-your so strong! Where did yer learn how to do that?" Asta eyes y now were bulging out despite still in pain from the incident not even a minute ago. "Umm I-I was taught kung Fu and Taek won do so..."  She trailed off embarrassed at the fact she could have been caught. 'Damn It! I need to be more careful.' She started cursing to herself.

 " Hey! How come you up so early?" Asta started breaking her from thought. " well I wanted to do some training before ya know I get distracted I-" " DISTRACTED! Who's gonna distract you? Its just us The Black Bulls not anyone else! Its not like we're animals or something am I right?" He said winking. " I Just think--" She was interrupted before she could even start to say any words that would let her quickly get to training and get away from Asta. " Your wrong. The Black Bulls are all like animals. of course maybe not Cleopatra here seeing as though she was put into a this squad without choice. So she has every reason in this world to be trying to get away from this Shithole!" Nacht had a frown that showed that he meant every single word he had said.

" Vice captain!" Instead of feeling shameful Asta burst with excitement knowing he wouldn't have to wait for Nacht to wake up so they could start their training. " Good morning!" This seemed to make Nacht frown even more. " I thought I should wake up early so that I could be prepared for trainin-" " YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!" Nacht now had a scowl spread across his face. " You had been badly injured the day before yesterday and here you are waking up early! If you want to lose again then rest is what will prevent that along with your training!" Nacht's face softened up after. " Asta I want to see you work as a team with Cleopatra! So I want you to come along with us Cleopatra. Do you accept?" He looked to her direction waiting for an answer with a smile on his face. " U-Um s-sure." "Ok lets get going!" A shadow appeared underneath all three of them. " W-WAIT! Right now?" Asta said looking dumfounded. Nacht rolled his eyes at Asta from the corner of his eyes. " Even if he's the only strong one here he's pretty stupid." Nacht muttered to himself.

When the three arrived Nacht Drew a circle on the floor and instructed them to both enter. And once they did................................" Now.....FIGHT!" Asta still trying to process what he meant , no longer felt his feet touching the ground. Looking down to see himself above the ground he reacted in a way that wasn't exactly expected. "WOW! I'M FLYING CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I'M FLYING WEEEEEEE!" Asta started laughing and doing the " Superman" Pose in the air. Nacht wasn't impressed and well instructed Cleopatra to put him down but not with care. " YAYYYY! WEEEEE! HAHAHAH! I'M SUPERMAN I CAN F-" Asta was no longer flying in the air but falling back down to Earth.

 "AHHHHHHAHAAHHAGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Asta landed on a soft white cloud still screaming until Cleopatra poked at his face and told him to hurry up and fight her. " Fight you? Yes I accept!" " That's more I like it now let the fight begin!"

Timeskip (3 hours later)

"Then its settled Cleopatra wins!" Nacht said unimpressed that even a new recruit beat one that had been here for more than a year or 2. " Asta I'll take Cleopatra back to the Black Bulls squad headquarters Ok? you wait here the sun is up now so no one will attack so wait here! Also when you two were fighting I saw A difference between you two. If you want to know what it was I'll tell you. Cleopatra is stronger than you and even if you learn how to control the devils powers you'll never become stronger than her! " (Nacht left with Cleopatra.)

 Nacht returned and took Asta to some old ruins. " W-what is this place vice cap?" "It belonged to a former Noble!" Nacht said bluntly. "OH!" Nacht used shadow magic and him and Asta appeared in another room. " This is a ritual its basically illegal but it should be ok!" Asta looked around to see skulls on shelfs everywhere. " Those skulls are people who failed this. step into this circle and fight the devil inside you. If you fail the devil will have full control over your body but if you win then you will have full control over your demon so good luck!" Asta stepped into the circle and as soon as he did the devil he possessed was standing on the opposite side to him and looked kind of .....like HIM! " HAHAHA! I'll beat you and take your body as mine!" As Asta still continued to examine the devil he realized something . " Hey you said I'm a little dwarf but you can't even speak for yourself!" Asta ,as you would probably be thinking, is a complete idiot to not see that this devil who had just stole one of his arms is about to kill him yet he thinks its is appropriate to say this. " Hmmmm Hahaha! Your a complete idiot It may have been a while since I've been out in the real world but without any kind of magic you will never be able to beat me!" The Devil instantly threw one of the swords that Asta would normally use as a hovercarft to fly across the sky. He dodged it. " Devil I won't fight you!" "What are you talking about its a devil what else are you supposed to do! If you don't you'll perish" Nacht looked annoyed .At this rate if he was killed then they wouldn't stand a chance against The Dark Triad. " Yeah! All devils are scumbags.!" The devil said letting out a laugh. " No! He's different to others I've met!!" " Well I'm the one who takes  away your body aren't I?" "I don't care! I won't see you as an evil person and neither should others. Just because he's a devil......Doesn't mean your an evil person!" As Asta said these words the devil didn't see Asta saying these words but someone special to him. " L-L.







A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait Hope you Enjoyed This contained Spoilers so SORRY! But have a nice Day or night for some people.( A.ka.: me! and also others!) 

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