It's time

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A/N: HI!!!! I missed updating Blinded By Pride I'm sorry if I was off I had stuff to do and I was real busy!!! I hope you all are good!! and for those I know its late but I hope you found it easy fasting and had a lovely Ramadan! Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter!!


Third Person POV

Cleopatra (or Zuri as we know ) sat by the wall and sighed. 'what do I do?' She kept repeating those words until she lost focus of what she was saying. Vanessa approached her with a bottle of wine and sat near her. "so ....................what's goin on? Your not like this normally."  She took a sip of her wine and waited for Cleopatra. " We've only known each other for a day." Cleopatra mumbled looking away. " and? we're like best friends but I think I know why your like this Cleopatra!" A sudden wave of nostalgia roamed the air and Cleopatra found herself starting to feel sick. " Come on! What's with the face?!! I know you like Him" As the words passed through her and she'd realized what Vanessa was talking about a wave of relief passed. " What?? who? I-"

Before she could say further she was pulled into a hug." I know you do!! You LIKE THE VICE CAPTAIN DON'T YA????" 'Nacht?' Her face was heating up thinking about her Vice Captain. How could she think of him like that??  But she couldn't help her mind ponder around the thought of her Vice cap so close to her face. His bright blue orbs shining and the smil- " your thinking of him!!!!!! I knew it!!! You love him don't you!!! That's soooo cute coz I know something bout him!!! HE LIKES YOU TOOOO!" "No! he doesn't!! Please lets focus on our training we must get stronger in three days!!" And with that she got up and went to help the rest leaving Vanessa drinking in the corner she was sitting in.

When Nacht arrived at the base he approached Vanessa. " You! Where's Cleopatra?" He asked trying to hurry things up. She started smirking. " You want your girl that bad? Well she's in her room lying down or something." Her smirk hadn't disappeared. " Thanks" He went and knocked on the door twice until hearing her say 'come in'.

He walked in and asked to speak to her. " So I wanted to tell you something and I thought I should tell you when-well no one is around because they don't know who you really are." "umm sure the go ahead" She couldn't help but feel nervous remembering what Vanessa had said earlier ' HE LIKES YOU TOO.'

"So..I need proper answers now and If you lie I will kill you immediately! But first Question! What do you feel  towards your older siblings?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed in hate and anger. "I-I I'm not sure they said they loved me but the last time they said they loved me was when I was 3 or 4 or something..." Her face crumpled up and she tried to cover it up with her hair. "(Sigh) Well I guess that's what happens but we can change that so don't go back on to there side ok and now let me go tell the rest about you and then I'll be back we can have a chat."

Nacht went to the rest and told them all about Zuri and of course they were all  confused but somehow felt that they knew how she felt. 

Later that day Nacht went back to see Asta and check if he's mastered anything in the time he was gone.

But of course there was no progress! 

Tomorrow was the beginning of The Spade Kingdom Invasion!

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