Satisfied by Xiao Zhan ❤️

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Verse 1:
眼中缀满 柔软的留言
yǎn zhōng zhuì mǎn róu ruǎn de liú yán
Eyes filled with soft messages
手边是你 寄的明信片
shǒu biān shì nǐ jì de míng xìn piàn
Holding the postcard you sent
你城市的风物 唇线的弧度
nǐ chéng shì de fēng wù chún xiàn de hú dù
Your city's sights, the curve of your lips
渐渐都 看的清楚
jiàn jiàn dōu kàn de qīng chǔ
Little by little, I can see them clearly

Verse 2:
银幕放映 温暖的画面
yín mù fàng yìng wēn nuǎn de huà miàn
The screen displays a warm scene
记忆就像 旋转的胶片
jì yì jiù xiàng xuán zhuǎn de jiāo piàn
Memories are like whirling films
沿时光的刻度 一帧帧记录
yán shí guāng de kè dù yī zhèng zhèng jì lù
Following time's scale, every single record
chéng wéi zuì zhēn guì liú niàn
Becomes the most precious memento

Chorus 1:
只想悉心守护 你的付出
zhǐ xiǎng xī xīn shǒu hù nǐ de fù chū
I just want to carefully safeguard your devotion
关于我们点滴 都是全部
guān yú wǒ men diǎn dī dōu shì quán bù
Every little bit about us is (my) everything
就算回忆 变得模糊
jiù suàn huí yì biàn dé mó hú
Even if my memories become hazy
yě bù wàng diào nà fèn zuì chū
I won't forget that beginning

Chorus 2:
学着面对孤独 义无反顾
xué zhe miàn duì gū dú yì wú fǎn gù
Learning to face loneliness with no regrets
只为你的笑容 不被辜负
zhǐ wèi nǐ de xiào róng bù bèi gū fù
Just to be worthy of your smile
无论未来 多么辛苦
wú lùn wèi lái duō me xīn kǔ
No matter how tough the future is
zhǐ yào nǐ zài shēn biān wǒ jiù
As long as you're by my side, I'll be
mǎn zú

Verse 3:
任风吹散 无谓的虚言
rèn fēng chuī sàn wú wèi de xū yán
Let the wind disperse senseless lies
只余你我 相守的契约
zhǐ yú nǐ wǒ xiāng shǒu de qì yuē
Leaving the promise we both hold on to
用眼神的温度 缱绻的笔触
yòng yǎn shén de wēn dù qiǎn quǎn de bǐ chù
With warm gazes and longing[1] brush strokes
biāo zhù nán wàng de shùn jiān
Marking that unforgettable moment

(Repeat Chorus 1)
(Repeat Chorus 2)

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