Fight break sphere theme song by XNINE ❤️🔴

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不服来战 不惧纷乱
bù fú lái zhàn bù jù fēn luàn
Don't accept to fight, not afraid of chaos

地墨天玄 生灵涂炭
de mò tiān xuán shēng líng tú tàn
Dimo Tianxuan, life is charcoal

长恨苦恋 浮出水面
zhǎng hèn kǔ liàn fú chū shuǐ miàn
Long hatred and bitter love surfaced

此生可见 飞白如炼
cǐ shēng kě jiàn fēi bái rú liàn
Visible in this life

诉我心愿 长梦难圆
sù wǒ xīn yuàn zhǎng mèng nán yuán
Tell my wish

兑我诺言 金缕袖箭
duì wǒ nuò yán jīn lǚ xiù jiàn
Fulfill my promise

凝固瞬间 炼狱熔岩
níng gù shùn jiān liàn yù róng yán
At the moment of solidification, purgatory lava

纵身一跃 无恩无怨
zòng shēn yī yuè wú ēn wú yuàn
Take a leap without grievances and grievances

孤傲 持重剑在手
gū ào chí zhòng jiàn zài shǒu
Aloof with a heavy sword in hand

年少 因愁却难消
nián shǎo yīn chóu què nán xiāo
Young but hard to get rid of because of sorrow

烦恼 平添烦恼 山呼海啸
fán nǎo píng tiān fán nǎo shān hū hǎi xiào
Worry, add trouble, mountain whistle tsunami

驰骋 纵天狭地小
chí chěng zòng tiān xiá de xiǎo

混沌 战邪魔外道
hùn dùn zhàn xié mó wài dào
Chaos and evil demon

纷扰 任谁都 插翅难逃
fēn rǎo rèn shéi dōu chā chì nán táo
Disturbance, no one can escape

qióng tú mò qī nián shǎo
Don't bully the young

yīng xióng bù wèn míng hào
The hero does not ask the name

fēng yún bǎng shàng shī zhǎn quán jiǎo
Show your fists on the wind and cloud list

刚刚好 趁年少 出名趁早
gāng gāng hǎo chèn nián shǎo chū míng chèn zǎo
Just right

嘿不服来战 这纷乱
hēi bù fú lái zhàn zhè fēn luàn
Hey don't agree to fight, this chaos

这地墨天玄 生灵涂炭
zhè de mò tiān xuán shēng líng tú tàn
This place Mo Tianxuan, life is charcoal

看翩翩少年长恨苦恋 Oh Ho
kàn piān piān shǎo nián zhǎng hèn kǔ liàn Oh Ho
Look at the Pian Pian young man's long hatred and sad love Oh Ho

还找什么借口 我龙心虎胆在手
hái zhǎo shén me jiè kǒu wǒ lóng xīn hǔ dǎn zài shǒu
What excuses are I looking for?

gěi nǐ men kàn zhè shǎo nián de yǒng gǎn quán quán dào ròu
Show you the bravery of this young man

遂我心愿 可远观 可近看 武技精湛
suì wǒ xīn yuàn kě yuǎn guān kě jìn kàn wǔ jì jīng zhàn
So I wished to be able to see from a distance, close up, exquisite martial arts

战黎明前的烽火 有烈火和熔岩
zhàn lí míng qián de fēng huǒ yǒu liè huǒ hé róng yán
The beacon before dawn, there are raging fire and lava

要兑我诺言手握重剑 飞身上前对决
yào duì wǒ nuò yán shǒu wò zhòng jiàn fēi shēn shàng qián duì jué
To fulfill my promise, hold the epee in hand, and fly forward to face off

纵身一跃 一记回旋
zòng shēn yī yuè yī jì huí xuán
Take a leap and spin

不服来战 不惧纷乱
bù fú lái zhàn bù jù fēn luàn
Don't accept to fight, not afraid of chaos

地墨天玄 生灵涂炭
de mò tiān xuán shēng líng tú tàn
Dimo Tianxuan, life is charcoal

长恨苦恋 浮出水面
zhǎng hèn kǔ liàn fú chū shuǐ miàn
Long hatred and bitter love surfaced

此生可见 飞白如炼
cǐ shēng kě jiàn fēi bái rú liàn
Visible in this life

诉我心愿 长梦难圆
sù wǒ xīn yuàn zhǎng mèng nán yuán
Tell my wish

兑我诺言 金缕袖箭
duì wǒ nuò yán jīn lǚ xiù jiàn
Fulfill my promise

凝固瞬间 炼狱熔岩
níng gù shùn jiān liàn yù róng yán
At the moment of solidification, purgatory lava

纵身一跃 无恩无怨
zòng shēn yī yuè wú ēn wú yuàn
Take a leap without grievances and grievance

孤傲 持重剑在手
gū ào chí zhòng jiàn zài shǒu
Aloof with a heavy sword in hand

年少 因愁却难消
nián shǎo yīn chóu què nán xiāo
Young but hard to get rid of because of sorrow

烦恼 平添烦恼 山呼海啸
fán nǎo píng tiān fán nǎo shān hū hǎi xiào
Worry, add trouble, mountain whistle tsunami

驰骋 纵天狭地小
chí chěng zòng tiān xiá de xiǎo

混沌 战邪魔外道
hùn dùn zhàn xié mó wài dào
Chaos and evil demon

纷扰 任谁都 插翅难逃
fēn rǎo rèn shéi dōu chā chì nán táo
Disturbance, no one can escape

qióng tú mò qī nián shǎo
Don't bully the young

yīng xióng bù wèn míng hào
The hero does not ask the name

fēng yún bǎng shàng shī zhǎn quán jiǎo
Show your fists on the wind and cloud list

刚刚好 趁年少 出名趁早
gāng gāng hǎo chèn nián shǎo chū míng chèn zǎo
Just right

嘿不服来战 这纷乱
hēi bù fú lái zhàn zhè fēn luàn
Hey don't agree to fight, this chaos

这地墨天玄 生灵涂炭
zhè de mò tiān xuán shēng líng tú tàn
This place Mo Tianxuan, life is charcoal

看翩翩少年长恨苦恋 Oh Ho
kàn piān piān shǎo nián zhǎng hèn kǔ liàn Oh Ho
Look at the Pian Pian young man's long hatred and sad love Oh Ho

还找什么借口 我龙心虎胆在手
hái zhǎo shén me jiè kǒu wǒ lóng xīn hǔ dǎn zài shǒu
What excuses are I looking for?

gěi nǐ men kàn zhè shǎo nián de yǒng gǎn quán quán dào ròu
Show you the bravery of this young man

遂我心愿 可远观 可近看 武技精湛
suì wǒ xīn yuàn kě yuǎn guān kě jìn kàn wǔ jì jīng zhàn
So I wished to be able to see from a distance, close up, exquisite martial arts

战黎明前的烽火 有烈火和熔岩
zhàn lí míng qián de fēng huǒ yǒu liè huǒ hé róng yán
The beacon before dawn, there are raging fire and lava

要兑我诺言手握重剑 飞身上前对决
yào duì wǒ nuò yán shǒu wò zhòng jiàn fēi shēn shàng qián duì jué
To fulfill my promise, hold the epee in hand, and fly forward to face off

纵身一跃 一记回旋
zòng shēn yī yuè yī jì huí xuán
Take a leap and spin

qióng tú mò qī nián shǎo
Don't bully the young

yīng xióng bù wèn míng hào
The hero does not ask the name

fēng yún bǎng shàng shī zhǎn quán jiǎo
Show your fists on the wind and cloud list

刚刚好 趁年少 出名趁早
gāng gāng hǎo chèn nián shǎo chū míng chèn zǎo
Just right

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