(Falsettos) Whizzvin - Nightmare

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Little! Marvin, Caregiver! Whizzer

Marvin awoke in a panic- tears in his eyes as he shook Whizzer with a whine.

Whizzer turned over and opened his eyes- hearing Marvin let out another whine and immediately sitting up with a concerned expression.

"Marv? What's the matter?" he asked letting Marvin hug onto him for dear life- the boy just shook his head with a whimper.

Whizzer frowned "I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong Marv" Marvin just shook his head again letting out a small cry "Did you have a bad dream?" Whizzer asked patting the smallers back.

Marvin whipped at his teary eyes and nodded slowly, Whizzer frowned lightly "Do you wanna tell Dada about it?" He asked softly, Marvin just shook his head again. Whizzer sighed- Marvin must have went completely non-verbal, meaning it was probably more than just a small scare he got in the dream.

Whizzer bounced Marvin on his leg "How old are ya' Hun?" He asked, Marvin looked down before holding up 1 finger- way further back then his normal age range which was usually 3-8. Whizzer nodded slowly- reaching to open the bedside drawer and pull out a pacifier, he brought the item to Marvin's mouth- relieved he didn't fuss and took it.

"You think you'll be able to get back to sleep, Marv? It's late" Marvin nodded, snuggling closer to Whizzer as they laid down. Whizzer kissed Marvins head "Goodnight, Baby"

Musical AgeRe Oneshots !Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon